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Table of Contents
 • Guild Skills
 • Other Standard Skills
 • Nonstandard Skills
 • Class
 • Ascension
 • Outfits
 • Other
 • Purchased Familiars
 • Standard Familiars
 • Derived Familiars
 • Pocket Familiars
 • April Foolmiliars
Mr. Items
 • Yearly Mr. Items
 • Jick's Mom and Janet's Merchandise Table
 • Hobopolis
 • Code Binder
 • Equipment
 • Instruments
 • Slime Tube
 • Dreadsylvania
Cool Items
 • Ultrarares
 • Ascension Rewards
 • Swagger Stuff
 • Thwaitgold
 • War Medals
 • Sea Stuff
 • Chefstaves
 • Marty's Quest
 • Secrets from the Future (2009)
 • Underworld (2009)
 • Moment of Reflection (2010)
 • Arcade Games (2010)
 • Necbromancer (2011)
 • Raiments of the Final Boss (2013)
 • Psychoanalysis (2013)
 • Warbear Crimbo (2013)
 • We All Wear Masks (2014)
 • Conspiracy Island (2014)
 • Dinseylandfill (2015)
 • That 70s Volcano (2015)
 • Glaciest (2015)
 • Gotpork (2016)
 • LT&T Telegraph Office (2016)
 • Fishin' Gear (2016)
 • Precinct (2016)
 • Busting Makes You Feel Good (2016)
 • Gingerbread City (2016)
 • Chakra Crimbo (2016)
 • Spacegate (2017)
 • Silent Crombotato (2017)
 • FantasyRealm (2018)
 • Neverending Party (2018)
 • PirateRealm (2019)
 • Underwater Crimbo (2019)
 • Gooified Crimbo (2021)
 • Oliver's Place (2022)
 • Train Crimbo (2022)
 • Pirate Crimbo (2023)
 • Twitchery (most recent 2024)
 • Hair Club for Loathers
 • Cocktailcrafting
 • Cooking
 • Meatpasting
 • Smithing
 • Miscellaneous Discoveries
 • Food
 • Booze
Various Accomplishments


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You have 410 skills Hardcore permed, 0 skills Softcore permed, and 27 missing.

You have 56597 unspent Karma.

Explanation of symbols: Italicized skills marked with a are Passive; © marks skills really useful only to their classes; ▮ marks skills that can be relearned from a used skillbook or such

Guild Skills

[back to top]
Skills innate to your class or buyable from your class's Guild.
LevelSeal ClubberTurtle TamerPastamancerSaucerorDisco BanditAccordion Thief
Class (Original)
0 buffSeal Clubbing Frenzy
+2 Mus
(5 adv @ 1MP)
Patience of the Tortoise
+1 Mus, +3 MaxHP
(5 adv @ 1MP)
Manicotti Meditation
+2 Mys
(5 adv @ 1MP)
Sauce Contemplation
+1 Mys, +3 MaxHP
(5 adv @ 1MP)
Disco Aerobics
+2 Mox
(5 adv @ 1MP)
Moxie of the Mariachi
1+ Mox, +3 MaxHP
(5 adv @ 1MP)
0 combatClobber
Spaghetti Spear
2-3 Phys. Damage
2-3 Hot Damage
1 Damage, 1 Delevel
2-3 Damage, 2-3 for 2 More Rounds
1Fortitude of the Muskox
Regen 1-2HP/adv
Headbutt ©
Combat Skill
Ravioli Shurikens
Combat Skill
Curse of Vichyssoise
Curse Cold
Disco Eye-Poke ©
1-3 Damage, 3 Delevel
The Moxious Madrigal
+10 Mox
(Buff @ 2MP)
2Audacity of the Otter
Crits do 3x Damage
Skin of the Leatherback
(level/2 - 2)DR
Entangling Noodles
Combat Skill
Saucy Salve
Combat Skill - Heal 10-15HP
Overdeveloped Sense of Self Preservation
+20% Init
The Magical Mojomuscular Melody
+10Mys, +20MaxMP
(Buff @ 3MP)
3Blubber Up
+5Mox for 10adv
Amphibian Sympathy
+5 Fam Weight
Lasagna Bandages
Heals 10-30HP
Expert Panhandling
+10% Meat
Disco Nap
Heals 20HP, removes some status effects
Cletus's Canticle of Celerity
+20% Init
(Buff @ 4MP)
Double Damage Combat Skill
Ghostly Shell
(Buff @ 6MP)
Cannelloni Cannon
Combat Spell
Elemental Saucesphere
So-so Resist. to all Elem.
(Buff @ 10MP)
Disco Dance II: Electric Boogaloo ©
9-11 Damage, 5 Delevel
The Power Ballad of the Arrowsmith
+10Mus, +20MaxHP
(Buff @ 5MP)
5Super-Advanced Meatsmithing
Create Weapons
Create Armor
Summon Dry Noodles
Advanced Saucecrafting
Summon Reagents
Advanced Cocktailcrafting
Summon Cocktail Ingredients
The Polka of Plenty
+50% Meat
(Buff @ 7MP)
6Thirst of the Weasel ℙ©
Smacks restore 1-2HP/fury
Tenacity of the Snapper
+8 Melee Damage
(Buff @ 8MP)
Springy Fusilli
+40% Init
(10adv @ 10MP)
Soul Saucery ℙ©
Gather Soulsauce
Nimble Fingers
+20% Meat
Jackasses' Symphony of Destruction
+12 Damage
(Buff @ 9MP)
7Hide of the Walrus
Kneebutt ©
Combat Attack
Spirit of Rigatoni
Equip Chefstaffs
Jalapeño Saucesphere
+3DR, Damage Attacker
(Buff @ 5MP)
Tricky Knifework
Become better at knives
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
+20% Items
(Buff @ 11MP)
8Claws of the Walrus
+7 Melee Damage
Empathy of the Newt
+5 Fam. Weight
(Buff @ 15MP)
Stuffed Mortar Shell
Combat Spell
Itchy Curse Finger
Stagger when Cursing
Mad Looting Skillz
+20% Items
Brawnee's Anthem of Absorption
level DR
(Buff @ 13MP)
9Tongue of the Walrus
Heals 30-40HP
Testudinal Teachings
Familiars Level Faster
Spirit of Ravioli
+25% MaxHP
Intrinsic Spiciness
+level Spell Damage
Disco Greed ℙ©
Momentum is +Item
The Psalm of Pointiness
Attack + Delevel when Taking Damage
(Buff @ 15MP)
10Lunging Thrust-Smack
Triple Damage Combat Skill
Shieldbutt ©
Auto-Hit Attack
Weapon of the Pastalord
Combat Spell
Antibiotic Saucesphere
4-5 HP Regen (Buff @ 15MP)
Disco Bravado ℙ©
Disco Momentum increases stat points
Stevedave's Shanty of Superiority
+10% All Attributes
(Buff @ 30MP)
11Rage of the Reindeer
+10%Mus, +10Melee
(10adv @ 10MP)
Wisdom of the Elder Tortoises
+50% MaxMP
Leash of Linguini
+5 Fam. Weight
(10adv @ 12MP)
Combat Spell
Adventurer of Leisure
Sleep soundly
Aloysius' Antiphon of Aptitude
+3 Stats per Fight
(Buff @ 40MP)
12Double-Fisted Skull Smashing
Astral Shell
+80DA, Slight Elem. Resist
(Buff @ 10MP)
Cannelloni Cocoon
Heal All HP
Impetuous Sauciness
+5 Adv. for Reagent Potions
Ambidextrous Funkslinging
Use 2 items per combat round
The Ode to Booze
More Adv from Booze
(Buff @ 50MP)
13Northern Exposure
So-So Cold Resist
Cold-Blooded Fearlessness
So-So Spooky Resist
Tolerance of the Kitchen
So-So Hot Resist
Diminished Gag Reflex
So-So Stench Resist
Heart of Polyester
So-So Sleaze Resist
The Sonata of Sneakiness
-5% Combat
(Buff @ 20MP)
14Musk of the Moose
+5% Combat
(10adv @ 10MP)
Hero of the Half-Shell
Musc determines damage taken if Shield equipped
Flavour of Magic
Choose Elem. of Pasta Spells
(40adv @ 10MP)
Irrepressible Spunk
+5% HP/MP
Smooth Movement
-5% Combat
(10adv @ 10MP)
Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation
+5% Combat
(Buff @ 20MP)
Smash Stuff!
Tao of the Terrapin
Double DA of Hat/Pants
Transcendental Noodlecraft
+2 Dry Noodles, Wok Access
The Way of Sauce
+2 Reagents, use Scrum. Solutions
Superhuman Cocktailcrafting
+2 Ingredients, Still Access
Ur-Kel's Aria of Annoyance
(Buff @ 30MP
Class (Revamp 2013)
1Lunge Smack
+5 Damage Attack
Spirit Vacation
Restore all HP, MP Regen
(1 adv)
Utensil Twist
+100% Spell Dam, 8-10MP Regen
(10 adv @ 1 adv)
Deft Hands
+25% Item Damage
Dissonant Riff
Attach and Delevel
Heal HP, +3 stats/fight (10adv)
(1 adv)
Blessing of the War Snapper ©
(+5 Mus, +5 Weapon Dam)
(Inf @ 15MP)
Transcendent Al Dente
+20 MaxMP, 19-20MP Regen
(1 adv)
Stream of Sauce
Combat Skill
Disco Dance of Doom ©
6-8 Damage, 3 Delevel
Cadenza ©
Attack with Accordion
3Cold Shoulder
Smack skills do +5 cold damage
Stiff Upper Lip
(10 DR)
Bind Vampieroghi ©
Thrall: Vampieroghi
Icy Glare
+10 Cold [Spell] Damage
Disco State of Mind ℙ©
Generate Momentum
Crab Claw Technique ℙ©
Accordion +Accuracy
4Wrath of the Wolverine ℙ©
Build Fury
Pizza Lover
Om nom nom pizza!
Arched Eyebrow of the Archmage
+10 Spell Damage
(10adv @ 10MP)
Inner Sauce
3-4MP Regen
Frantic Gyrations ℙ©
Momentum makes you harder to hit
Accordion Bash
Hit with Accordion (Stun)
5Buoyancy of the Beluga ℙ©
Regen 1HP/adv for each Fury
Shell Up
Bind Vermincelli ©
Thrall: Vermincelli
Combat Spell
That's Not a Knife
THIS is a knife!
Accordion Appreciation ℙ©
Accordion +Accuracy
6Scowl of the Auk
(+10 Weapon Damage)
Spirit Snap ©
Various Attack
Bringing Up the Rear ℙ©
Power Up Spells!
Curse of Marinara
Curse Damage & Healing
Disco Face Stab ©
Attack with best Knife
Concerto de los Muertos
Spooky Damage
7Furious Wallop ©
Guaranteed to Hit Attack (5MP & 1 Fury)
Blessing of She-Who-Was ©
(+5Mys, +5 Spooky Dam)
Bind Angel Hair Wisp ©
Thrall: Angel Hair Wisp
Wave of Sauce
Combat Spell
Flashy Dancer ℙ©
Momentum makes you dodge
Five Finger Discount
5% Off!
8Club Foot ©
Delevel Attack
Butts of Steel
<3 Butts
Shield of the Pastalord
30% Dam Reduction
(10 adv @ 20MP)
Curse of the Thousand Islands
Curse Stagger
Disco Smirk
+10 Mox
(10 adv)
Suspicious Gaze
+20% Init
(10 adv @ 10MP)
9Seething of the Snow Leopard ℙ©
Addnl. Bonus Damage from Fury
Spiky Shell
Damage Attacking Opponents
Bind Undead Elbow Macaroni ©
Thrall: Elbow Macaroni
Cold Damage
Knife in the Dark ©
Attack with best Knife
Bawdy Refrain
Sleaze Attack
10Ire of the Orca ℙ©
Fury Capacity increased to 5
Reptilian Fortitude
(Buff @ 10MP)
Thrall Unit Tactics ℙ©
-MP Cost with Thrall
Master Saucier
+10% Spell Damage
Disco Shank ©Thief Among the Honorable
+5% Items
11Batter Up! ©
Increase Hit Chance
Blessing of the Storm Tortoise ©
+5% Init, MP+10
Bind Penne Dreadful ©
Thrall: Penne Dreadful
Om nom nom sauce!
Disco Dance 3: Back in the Habit ©
Attack. 14 Delevel
Sticky Fingers
Pickpocket Meat
12Cavalcade of Fury ©
(All Fury)
The Long View
+3 Adv/Day
Subtle and Quick to Anger
+10% Spell Dam
Curse of Weaksauce
Curse Weaken
Disco Inferno
Hot Damage
Cone of Zydeco
13Northern Explosion
Cold Attack
Spirit Boon ©
Receive Boon
Bind Lasagmbie ©
Thrall: Lasagmbie
Wry Smile
+1 Mys per Fight
Disco Fever
+10 Mox, +10 Ranged Dam
(10 Adv)
Master Accordion Master Thief
+10% Pickpocket Chance
14Precision of the Penguin ℙ©
+1Crit% per Fury
Patient Smile
+1Mus Stat/Fight
Wizard Squint
+10% Spell Crit
Sauce Monocle
+15% Crit(10 adv @ 20MP)
Sensitive Fingers
+10% Pickpocket
Knowing Smile
+1 Moxie Stat/fight
(10 adv @ 10MP)
15Pride of the Puffin
Turtle Power ©
Bring it on.
Bind Spice Ghost ©
Thrall: Spice Ghost
Blood Sugar Sauce Magic
MP at cost of HP
Disco Leer
+10% Meat
(10 Adv)
Mariachi Memory
+1 Song

Other Standard Skills

[back to top]
Other skills that are permanently Standard.
Seal ClubberTurtle TamerPastamancerSaucerorDisco BanditAccordion Thief
SpookyravenSnarl of the Timberwolf
+10 Spooky Damage
(10adv @ 10MP)
Spectral Snapper
Combat Attack
Fearful Fettucini
Combat Spell
So-So Sleaze/Cold Resist
(Buff @ 10MP)
Tango of Terror
15-18 Spooky Damage, 8 Delevel
Dirge of Dreadfulness
+12 Spooky Damage
(Buff @ 12MP)
The SeaHarpoon!
Combat Skill
Summon Leviatuga
301-350 Damage
Create Tempura Dishes
Deep Saucery
Create Potions with Globes of Deep Sauce
Salacious Cocktailcrafting
Use Seaodes in Cocktailcrafting
Donho's Bubbly Ballad
-20% Underwater Penalty
(Buff @ 75MP)
Dread (SC)Club Earth Carbohydrate Cudgel Splattersmash Grab a Cold One Song of the North
Dread (TT)Turtleini Sauceshell Conspiratorial Whispers Song of Slowness
Dread (PM)Spaghetti Breakfast Shadow Noodles Song of Starch
Dread (SA)Splashdance Song of Sauce
Dread (DB)Song of Bravado
HodgmanNatural Born Scrabbler
+5% Items
Thrift and Grift
+10% Meat
Abs of Tin
+10% MaxHP
Marginally Insane
+10% MaxMP
30MP ElementalConjure Relaxing Campfire Maximum Chill Mudbath Inappropriate Backrub Creepy Lullaby Wassail
120MP ElementalAwesome Balls of Fire Snowclone Eggsplosion Grease Lightning Raise Backup Dancer Toynado
Accordion ThiefThe Ballad of Richie Thingfinder ©
+50% Meat, +20% Items
(Buff @ 50MP)
Benetton's Medley of Diversity ©
+15 Prism. Damage
(Buff @ 50MP)
Elron's Explosive Etude ©
+50% Spell Damage
(Buff @ 50MP)
Chorale of Companionship ©
+10 Fam Weight
(Buff @ 50MP)
Prelude of Precision ©
+2% Crit Chance
(Buff @ 50MP)
Other Standard Skills
GnomishTorso Awareness
Wear Shirts
Gnomish Hardigness
+5% MaxHP
Cosmic Ugnderstanding
+5% MaxMP
Powers of Observatiogn
+10% Items
Gnefarious Pickpocketing
+10% Meat
Daily DungeonSinger's Faithful Ocelot Drescher's Annoying Noise Walberg's Dim Bulb
PVPThick-Skinned Chip on your Shoulder Summon Holiday Fun!: Level 1
Summon Carrot: Level 0
That’s a cold carrot
Summon Kokomo Resort Pass
Aruba, Jamaica…
Bear Essence: Level 1
+20% Picnic Baskets
Pirate Bellow: Level 0
Summon Annoyance Calculate the Universe: Level 1 Toggle Optimality: Level 1 Experience Safari: Level 0
The Slime TubeSlimy Sinews (10/10)
Up to +20 MaxHP
Slimy Synapses (10/10)
Up to +10 MaxMP
Slimy Shoulders (10/10)
Up to +20% Init
Waffle HouseBrain Games
+3 Rollover Adventures
20/20 Vision
+10% Item Drop
MiscBind Spaghetti Elemental ©
Thrall: Spaghetti
Chronic Indigestion CLEESH Deep Dark Visions Really Expensive JewelrycraftingTranscendent Olfaction

Nonstandard Skills

[back to top]
Skills that are no longer Standard or will someday leave Standard.
Nonstandard Class Skills
Seal ClubberTurtle TamerPastamancerSaucerorDisco BanditAccordion Thief
Crimbo 2009Holiday Weight Gain
+MaxHP Buff
Jingle Bells
Familiar Acts More
Damage and Candy!
Surge of Icing
Damage Spell
Stealth Mistletoe
Delevels more with DB Attacks
Cringle's Curative Carol
Restore 5-10HP/Adv
Trader 2010Iron Palm Technique
Swords Become Clubs
Curiosity of Br'er Tarrypin
+1Fam Exp/Combat
Stringozzi Serpent
Attack and Poison
Stench Saucestorm
Kung Fu Hustler ℙ▮
Power to the Fists!
Inigo's Incantation of Inspiration
Free Crafting
Crimbo 2017
Silent Hunter
+25% Init (50 MP, 10 Adv)
Quiet Determination
+25% Muscle (Facial Expression)
Quiet Judgement
+25% Myst (Facial Expression)
Silent Treatment
Ignore Resistances (20 MP Combat)
Silent Knife
Knife Damage and Stagger
Quiet Desperation
+25% Moxie (Facial Expression)
Madame ZataraGet Big
+20% to all stats
Gallapagosian Mating Call
Weak sniff a monster
Inscrutable Gaze
+10% to Myst gains (Facial Expression)
Love Mixology
Summons random Love Potions
Acquire Rhinestones
Creates Rhinestones
Paul's Passionate Pop Song
Regen 4-5 MP/adv
VampyreBlood Frenzy
+50% Weapon Damage (10 Adv)
Blood Bond
+5 Fam Weight (10 Adv)
Blood Bucatini
Damage and Delevel
Blood Bubble
First attack always misses (3 adv)
Blood Blade
Makes a butter knife!
Bram's Bloody Bagatelle
Damage everyone
Crimbo 2010Fashionably Late ℙ▮
+1 Adventure Per Day
Executive Narcolepsy ℙ▮
One Free Rest Per Day
Lunch Break
Summon a Sack Lunch
Offensive Joke
Sleaze Damage, 20 Delevel
Managerial Manipulation
+10 All Stats (Others Only)
Crimbo 2013Shrap
Non-Elemental Damage
Psychokinetic Hug
+10 Stats
Crimbo 2014Rapid Prototyping ℙ▮
Craft 5 Times a Day, Free
Mathematical Precision
Combat Items 50% more Damage
(20 adv @ 10MP)
Ruthless Efficiency
Deleveling 50% Better
(20 adv @ 10MP)
Crimbo 2015Communism!
1000 Meat!
Crimbo 2016Stack Lumps
Lumps to Sludge
Sweet Synthesis
Candy + Spleen = Effect
Crimbo 2018Carol of the Bulls
+100% Weapon Damage
Carol of the Hells
+100% Spell Damage
Carol of the Thrills
+3 Stats
Crimbo 2019The Spirit of Taking
+10% Item Drops
Crimbo 2020
Long Winter's Nap ℙ▮
5 free rests
Bowl Full of Jelly
1/day epic food
Ashes and Soot
Combat: myst-based fire/physical damage
Eye and a Twist
1/day epic booze
Dimples, How Merry! ℙ▮
+1 stats/combat
Chubby and Plump
1/day +50% HP/MP (60 adv)
Crimbo 2021
Ancient Crymbo Lore ℙ▮
+3 stats in December
Crimbo 2022
Crimbo Training: First Aid Technician ℙ▮
Max HP +10
Crimbo Training: Passenger Greeter ℙ▮
+1 stats per fight
Crimbo Training: Concierge ℙ▮
+1 familiar weight
Crimbo Training: Track Switcher ℙ▮
+10% combat initiative
Crimbo Training: Bartender ℙ▮
+15% booze drops
Crimbo Training: Waiter ℙ▮
+15% food drops
Crimbo Training: Coal Taster ℙ▮
Slight Hot resist (+1)
Crimbo Training: Dessert Steward ℙ▮
Slight Cold resist (+1)
Crimbo Training: Night Watchman ℙ▮
Slight Spooky resist (+1)
Crimbo Training: Sanitation Consultant ℙ▮
Slight Stench resist (+1)
Crimbo Training: Graffiti Censor ℙ▮
Slight Sleaze resist (+1)
Crimbo 2023
Elf Guard Cooking ℙ▮
3 free cooks/day
Elf Guard Extortion Techniques ℙ▮
+10% meat
Elf Guard Relaxation Techniques ℙ▮
3 free rests/day
Fruit Recognition ℙ▮
+5% items
Old-School Cocktailcrafting ℙ▮
3 free mixes/day
Trader 2008Rainbow Gravitation
The Suburbs of DisTorment Plant Pinch Ghost Tattle
Silent InvasionSilent SlamSilent SquirtSilent Slice
AscensionMaster of the Surprising Fist
+10 Dam and +20 to-hit with empty hands
Request Sandwich Mild Curse
Ed brings the insults!
Belch The Rainbow 0/11
Elemental PlanesGrease Up
+15 Sleaze Damage
(10 adv @ 15MP)
Sloppy Secrets
More Beach Bucks
Serious Sleaze Resist (+3)
Serious Spooky Resist (+3)
Intimidating Mien
+15 Spooky Damage
(10 adv @ 15MP)
Olfactory Burnout
Serious Stench Resistance (+3)
Garbage Nova Dinsey Operations ExpertRotten Memories
+15 Stench Damage
(10 adv @ 15MP)
Asbestos Heart
Serious Hot Resistance (+3)
Firegate Pyromania
+15 Hot Damage
(10 adv @ 15MP)
+15 Cold Damage
(10 adv @ 15MP)
Frost Bite Perfect Freeze Refusal to Freeze
Serious Cold Resistance (+3)
LT&TBow-Legged Swagger Bend Hell Steely-Eyed Squint
Crash SiteAlien Source Code ℙ▮
Max MP +5
Deck of Every CardAncestral Recall
Draw 3 Cards
Dark Ritual
Get 3 Black Mana
Giant Growth
You’re huge!
Healing Salve
Recover 3 Life
Lightning Bolt
Does 3 Damage
SnojoShattering Punch
3/day Instakill
Shivering Monkey Technique
+15% Init
3/day Banish
Eldritch LoveEldritch Intellect
Spooky res/dmg +1, Eldritch Knowledge
Evoke Eldritch Horror
Summon Tentacles
Eternal Flame ℙ▮
Hot res/dmg + 1, Political Knowledge
Dead Nostrils ℙ▮
Stench res/dmg + 1, Stay Fresh
GingerbreadLicorice Rope
Banish a Gingerman
Gingerbread Mob Hit
Instakill 1/day
Fifteen Minutes of Flame
+15 Hot Dmg/Spell Dmg, +15 Init
Ceci N'Est Pas Un Chapeau
Doesn’t make a hat
SpacegateQuantum Movement
+20% Init
5-D Earning Potential
+20% Meat
Object Quasi-Permanence
+10% Items
150 MP Yellow Ray
PirateRealmPrevent Scurvy and Sobriety
Summon rum, grapefruit, limes
Tiki Mixology
Make rhum cocktails
DrippyDrippy Eye-Beetle, -Sprout, or -Stone
MiscVent Rage Gland Summon "Boner Battalion"
Damage Each round of Combat
Summon Crimbo Candy Unaccompanied Miner ℙ▮Volcanometeor Showeruption Natural Born Skeleton Killer ℙ▮
+10% Skeleton Murder!
FrigidalmatianSpeluck ℙ▮
Underground +5% Item, +10% Meat
Astute Angler
+10 Fishing Skill
Meteor Lore
Meteor Love!
Expert Corner-Cutter
5 free craftings
Budget Conscious
+10% Meat Drops
Drinking to Drink
+1 liver capacity
Army of Toddlers
Summons fightin’ babies
Implode Universe: Level 4 Visit your Favorite Bird
In bird culture, this is considered a dick move
Always Never Not GuzzlingLock Picking
Make a key, you still can’t pick locks
Comprehensive Cartography ℙ▮
You know how to find things
Emotionally Chipped ℙ▮
All the feelings!
Secret Door Awareness
There's one!
Perpetrate Mild Evil
Such a prankster
Chitinous Soul: Level 11
Just the Facts ℙ▮
Trivia whiz
Too Cool ℙ▮
Well, kinda cool
Mystical Bookshelf
TomesSummon Snowcones Summon Stickers Summon Sugar Sheets Summon Clip Art Summon Rad Libs Summon Smithsness
LibramsSummon Party Favor Summon Candy Heart Summon Love Song Summon BRICKOs Summon Dice Summon Resolutions
Summon Taffy
GrimoiresSummon Hilarious Objects Summon Tasteful Items Summon Alice's Army Cards Summon Geeky Gifts Summon Confiscated Things


[back to top]

You have 197 tattoos and 6 outfits for which you don't have the corresponding tattoo, and are missing 92 tattoos.


[back to top]




Legendary Regalia of the Seal Crusher




Legendary Regalia of the Chelonian Overlord




Legendary Regalia of the Pasta Master




Legendary Regalia of the Saucemaestro




Legendary Regalia of the Groovelord




Legendary Regalia of the Master Squeezeboxer



Zombie Slayer

Zombie Slayer HC







Cow Puncher

Cow Puncher HC


Beanslinger HC

Snake Oiler

Snake Oiler HC

Gelatinous Noob

Gelatinous Noob HC


Vampyre HC


Plumber HC

Grey You

Pig Skinner

Pig Skinner HC

Cheese Wizard

Cheese Wizard HC

Jazz Agent

Jazz Agent HC


WereProfessor HC


[back to top]





























[back to top]

8-Bit Finery

Antique Arms And Armor

Arboreal Raiment

Arrrbor Day Apparrrrrel

Black Armaments

Bounty-Hunting Rig

Bow Tux

Bugbear Costume

Cloaca-Cola Uniform

Clockwork Apparatus

Crimbo Duds

Crimborg Assault Armor

Cursed Zombie Pirate Costume

Dire Drifter Duds

Dwarvish War Uniform

Dyspepsi-Cola Uniform

El Vibrato Relics

Encephalic Ensemble

eXtreme Cold-Weather Gear

Filthy Hippy Disguise

Floaty Fatigues

Frat Boy Ensemble

Frat Warrior Fatigues

Furry Suit

Glad Bag Glad Rags

Gnauga Hides

Grass Guise

Grimy Reaper's Vestments

Hodgman's Regal Frippery

Hot and Cold Running Ninja Suit

Hyperborean Hobo Habiliments

Knob Goblin Elite Guard Uniform

Knob Goblin Harem Girl Disguise

Mining Gear

Mutant Couture

OK Lumberjack Outfit

Palmist Paraphernalia

Pork Elf Prizes

Primitive Radio Duds

Pyretic Panhandler Paraphernalia

Radio Free Regalia

Roy Orbison Disguise


Snowman Suit

Star Garb

Swashbuckling Getup

Tapered Threads

Tawdry Tramp Togs

Terrifying Clown Suit

Terrycloth Tackle

Time Trappings

Tropical Crimbo Duds

Vestments of the Treeslayer

Vile Vagrant Vestments

War Hippy Fatigues

Wumpus-Hair Wardrobe

Yendorian Finery

BRICKOfig Outfit

Frigid Northlands Garb

Knight's Armor

Fancy Tux

Smoked Pottery

Unblemished Uniform

Transparent Trappings

Blasphemous Bedizenment

Thousandth Birthday Suit

Uncle Hobo's Rags


Cold Comforts

Bits o' Honey


Dark Bro's Vestments

Sucker Samurai Suit

Hot Daub Ensemble

Wax Wardrobe

Pinata Provisions

Oil Rig

Animelf Apparel

Seafaring Suit

Crappy Mer-kin Disguise

Mer-kin Gladiatorial Gear

Mer-kin Scholar's Vestments

Raiments of the Final Boss

Violent Vestments

Hateful Habiliment

Clothing of Loathing

Dreadful Bugbear Suit

Dreadful Ghost Suit

Dreadful Pajamas

Dreadful Skeleton Suit

Dreadful Vampire Suit

Dreadful Werewolf Suit

Dreadful Zombie Suit

Cool Irons

Space Beast Furs

Brogre Brouture

Xiblaxian Stealth Suit

Gladiatorial Glad Rags

Warbear Dress Armor


High-Radiation Mining Gear

Crimbot Crimboutfit

Ceramic Suit

Synthetic Suit


Dinsey's Exoskeleton

Toxic Togs

Spelunker's Gear

Ghast Iron Gear

The Emperor's New Clothes

SMOOCH Army Uniform

Cooper's Couture

Wicker Wear

Bakelite Brigandine

The Jokester's Costume

Eldritch Equipage

Gingerbread Best


Wrought Wrappings

Spant Armor

Meteor Masquerade

Cheerful Reindeer Suit

Miming Regalia

Pyrotechnic Paper Paraphernalia

Gabardine Guise

Fiberglass Finery

Genie Garments

Psychic Enpsemble

FantasyRealm Warrior's Outfit

FantasyRealm Wizard's Outfit

FantasyRealm Thief's Outfit

Government-Issued Garb

Mutant Parts Apparel

Slime Enslamble

Snakeskin Suit

Bauxite Baubles

Chalk Chostume

Marble Materials

PirateRealm Assortment

Shallow Sea Fishing Outfit

Cursed Skeleton Pirate Costume

Whittled Wearables

Antique Nutcracker Outfit

Terra Cotta Tackle


Mushroom Masquerade

Guzzlr Uniform

Lathed Livery

Stained Glass Suit

Velour Vestments

Loofah Loungewear

Flagstone Finery

Trainbot Trappings

Ceramic Clothing

Chiffon Chiffinery

Shadow Shuit

Dental Drip

Crimbuccaneer Rigging

Elf Guard Fatigues

Moss Mufti

Adobe Armor


[back to top]

Sneaky Pete XXIX 5


Hobo Tattoo 8/19


Delicious Salad

Demon Tattoo


Loathing Legion

Alice's Army

Best Game Ever!!!

Corrupted Data

FDKOL tattoo

Mark of the Bugbear

Mark of the Werewolf

Mark of the Zombie

Mark of the Ghost

Mark of the Vampire

Mark of the Skeleton

Dreadsylvania 1000FK Tattoo

Spring Break Beach Tattoo coupon

Merc Core challenge coin

Dinseylandfill Tattoo


Wal-Mart Tattoo

Batfellow Tattoo

LT&T Tattoo

Airplane Tattoo

Fluffy Bunny Tattoo

Detective Tattoo

Proton Tattoo

Twitch Television Tattoo

I Love Gingerbread City

Eternal Knot Tattoo

Spacegate Initiative

New-You Tattoo

KGB Tattoo

FantasyRealm Tattoo


Cheese Tattoo

Party Tattoo™ gift certificate

Crimbo 2018 Tattoo

Red Roger Tattoo

Guzzlr Tattoo 2

Yeg's Tattoo

Crimbo Carol Tattoo

Crimbo Cheer Tattoo

Crimbo Commerce Tattoo

Shadow Tattoo

Burning Leaf Tattoo

Crimbuccaneer Tattoo

Elf Guard Tattoo

2024 Raffle


[back to top]

You have 119 trophies and are missing 43 trophies.

100 Shore Trips

1000 Shore Trips

30 White Canadians

Familiars total 100+ lbs

Familiars total 300+ lbs

10+ Turns Protesting

100+ Turns Protesting

Build Pagoda

5 Spaghetti with Skullheads

5 nasty-ass tomato daiquiris

11 ghuol ghuolash

Steal Toast in PvP

Have Less Than 10,000 Meat

Discard Pretty Flower

420 Herb Brownies

5 White Choc and Tomato Pizzas

Familiars total 500+ lbs

50 Lucky Suprise Eggs

All 32 TPS1 in DC

Use 99 Red Balloons

Find 10 Clockwork Keys

Beat All Bosses at 11

Perm all 5 Fragnk Skills

Defend Gourd 21 times in HC

Receive 'One Day in the Life' in Bugbear Pens

Perm all 6 Starting Skills

Be Present for Ascension Rollout

Eat three-tiered wedding cake

Defeat 10 Reindeer

Defeat 100 Reindeer

Take trophy in leaflet quest

No Pants on Jan 1st

90%+ Stab Bat Run

30 Sex Changes

1 Million Meat in HC

Add 'Laura Palmer' to Quest Log

1000+ Drunk

1 million meat to each statue

Use firecracker on July 4th

60 WC burgers, 10 WC fries, 4 Cherry and Diet Cloaca Colas

Lv30 SC

Lv30 TT

Lv30 PM

Lv30 SA

Lv30 DB

Lv30 AT

Read manual 30 times

Slip on 3 banana peels

11 Full/Drunk/Spleen

100 adv in bathroom with autoplunger

Hotform +100 Hot Damage

Coldform +100 Cold Damage

Spookyform +100 Spooky Damage

Stenchform +100 Stench Damage

Sleazeform +100 Sleaze Damage

Use 50 Scrolls of Evil

Summon 30 Demons

Use 100 Chaos Butterflies

Know all Spookyraven Skills

Multi-Use 11 Confetti

Defeat 240 Black Puddings

Drink 80 Around-the-Worlds

Kill all DoD Monsters 120 times in one Ascension

13 Spooky Pirate Skeletons in Closet

10 90+% Ascensions

30 90%+ Ascensions

100 Runaways

All 64 Tiny Plastic Series 2 in DC

69 Meat Pasting Recipes

50 Cooking Recipes

100 Cooking Recipes

150 Cooking Recipes

20 Cocktailcrafting Recipes

50 Cocktailcrafting Recipes

100 Cocktail Recipes

50 Meatsmithing Recipes

100 Meatsmithing Recipes

150 Meatsmithing Recipes

30 Jewelrycrafting Recipes

Defeat Trophyfish

Sell Marbles to Collector

5 Consecutive Wumpus Hunts

Become a Little Bit Evil 13 Times in one Ascension

Multi-use 29 palm-frond fans from your inventory

Receive the Cold-Blooded Warm Fuzzies buff 30 times

Use all 6 rave combos in a single fight

Equip yourself entirely in seal hide

Eating a single pasta dish with ten days' worth of Canticle of Carboloading applied

Discover all possible Slime Potion recipes

Make 7 unique AT Buff recordings

Use 40 4-d cameras

Discover 50 different miscellaneous recipes

Defeat 7 Airships

Defeat your Nemesis in the order SC -> TT -> P -> S -> DB -> ATs

Defeat 99 monsters with a Loathing Legion hammer equipped

Beat Scratch Rackonteur at pool 23 times

Have all 15 Pokemann figurines in your display case

Win 2000 lunar isotopes in Porko

Perm both Kung Fu Hustler and Master of the Surprising Fist

Deal 5,000 damage with a single Flying Fire Fist

Donate one million Meat worth in items to charity

Wearing 30 Bs during a Bees Hate You run in combat

Multi-using d12s

Use all 11 different pogs in any order as long as #11 is last in a single combat

Lv30 AoB

Consume all 66 siphoned spirits

Use a papier-mâché trophy piñata

Have all 11 Microplushies in your Display Case

Cast Haggis Kick by wearing haggis socks while wearing Mr. Haggis and having the effects Sheepskinned, Highland Sheen, and Hagg-ard

Have all five possible effects from the Magic Tongue effect simultaneously

Use 37 37x37x37 puzzle cubes

Keep a ChibiBuddy alive for 11 days

Have all 32 Tiny plastic series 3 figurines in your display case

Achieve level 30 as an Avatar of Jarlsberg

Equip the Mayor Ghost outfit

Have the 5 +elemental damage buffs from Dreadsylvania non-combats active

Get all 30 Tales of Dread

50 bottles of Bloodweiser

50 glasses of electric Kool-Aid

Independently gain 10,000 kisses in Dreadsylvania

Have all Dread Bosses Effects at Once

Defeat X-fingered Shop Teacher 11 times in one ascension

Commit to Each Clique

Fully upgrade the yearbook camera

Kill 1,000 enemies with a bone abacus

Drink all the beers from A Beer Garden in a single day

Have all 12 disco horoscope effects active at the same time

"Collect" all 37 PEEZ dispensers

Make a bowl of petunias

Eat 108 warbear gyros

Have an entire set of Tiny Die-Cast series 1 in your Display Case

Use 11 bottles of Cloaca Cola Polar

Watch Cinderella throw up on the Prince's Shoes

Conspire to frame Cinderella

Kill Cinderella

Master glass, filling, and parchment in Rumpelstiltskin's Workshop

Achieve level 30 as an Avatar of Sneaky Pete

Wear a red shirt with Red-Shirted Escort active

Acquire and equip stuff from Thinknerd packages

Drink 11 mini-martinis

Nine Spelunks

Beat Lolmec

Beat Yomama

Beat 10 Shopkeepers in Spelunky

Fill 10 Walford Buckets

Assemble 6 Different Typoes of VYKEA Furniture

Consume one of each of the nine Gotpork villain drops

Drink 7 days worth of milk

Solve all Far Future scenarios without bloodshed

Defeat 666 Eldritch Tentacles (current ascension)

Solve the L.O.V. Exit puzzle

Acquire all Passive Gelatinous Noob skills

Defeat a Genie in Physical and Intellectual Trials

Defeat an Amorphous Blob

Eat 11 primitive alien salad

Voting against yourself 11 times

Consume Crimbo 2018 items on a single day

Consume Grilled mooseflank and Antique beer on a single day

Have all Beach Head buffs active

Drink 11 marshmallow bombs in a single day

Eat bread man, eggwater, flour cookie, plain candy cane

Earn 100,000 points in the 8-Bit Realm

Toss a water balloon more than anyone on a certain day


[back to top]

You have 163 familiars (missing 126), have done 51 tourguide runs and 50 100% runs.

Don't have
Have FamiliarHave Familiar
90% Run Done100% Run Done90% Run Done
with unowned
100% Run Done
with unowned
90% Run Done
unowned fam,
have hatchling
100% Run Done
unowned fam,
have hatchling

Purchased Familiars

[back to top]
The hatchlings for these familiars were directly purchasable from Mr. Store. The latest few may still be in Standard.

Coffee Pixie

Cheshire Bat


Hand Turkey

Crimbo Elf

Baby Yeti

Feather Boa Constrictor

Emo Squid

Personal Raincloud

Inflatable Dodecapede

Pygmy Bugbear Shaman


Attention-Deficit Demon

Cymbal-Playing Monkey

Temporal Riftlet

Sweet Nutcracker

Wild Hare

Spirit Hobo

Astral Badger

Comma Chameleon


Nervous Tick

Ancient Yuletide Troll

Dandy Lion

Penguin Goodfella

Green Pixie

Wizard Action Figure

Gluttonous Green Ghost

Casagnova Gnome

Hunchbacked Minion

Crimbo P. R. E. S. S. I. E.

Mad Hatrack

Llama Lama

Cotton Candy Carnie

Disembodied Hand


Psychedelic Bear

Sugar Fruit Fairy

Frumious Bandersnatch

Baby Sandworm


Squamous Gibberer

Dancing Frog

Chauvinist Pig

Stocking Mimic

Baby Bugged Bugbear

Rogue Program


Knob Goblin Organ Grinder

Piano Cat

Dramatic Hedgehog

Robot Reindeer

Obtuse Angel

Li'l Xenomorph

Pair of Stomping Boots

Fancypants Scarecrow

Bloovian Groose

Blavious Kloop

Happy Medium

Artistic Goth Kid

Reagnimated Gnome

Angry Jung Man

Unconscious Collective



Steam-Powered Cheerleader

Reanimated Reanimator

Grimstone Golem

Grim Brother

Galloping Grill

Fist Turkey

Crimbo Shrub

Golden Monkey

Adventurous Spelunker

Puck Man

Ms. Puck Man

Machine Elf

Rockin' Robin


Trick-or-Treating Tot

Space Jellyfish

Optimistic Candle


XO Skeleton

Garbage Fire

God Lobster

Cat Burglar

Elf Operative

Pocket Professor

Red-Nosed Snapper

Left-Hand Man


Ghost of Crimbo Carols

Ghost of Crimbo Cheer

Ghost of Crimbo Commerce

Shorter-Order Cook

Vampire Vintner

Grey Goose


Hobo in Sheep's Clothing

Patriotic Eagle


Chest Mimic

Mini Kiwi

Standard Familiars

[back to top]
These familiars are expected to be forever Standard.



Levitating Potato

Angry Goat

Sabre-Toothed Lime

Fuzzy Dice

Spooky Pirate Skeleton


Howling Balloon Monkey

Stab Bat


Blood-Faced Volleyball

Ghuol Whelp

Baby Gravy Fairy


Star Starfish

Hovering Sombrero

Ghost Pickle on a Stick

Killer Bee

Whirling Maple Leaf

Clockwork Grapefruit

MagiMechTech MicroMechaMech

Flaming Gravy Fairy

Frozen Gravy Fairy

Stinky Gravy Fairy

Spooky Gravy Fairy

Sleazy Gravy Fairy

Misshapen Animal Skeleton

Scary Death Orb

Reassembled Blackbird

Origami Towel Crane

Ninja Snowflake

Jumpsuited Hound Dog

Ragamuffin Imp

Exotic Parrot

El Vibrato Megadrone

Hobo Monkey

Black Cat


Imitation Crab

Magic Dragonfish

Midget Clownfish

Syncopated Turtle

Grinning Turtle

Purse Rat



Urchin Urchin

Grouper Groupie

Adorable Seal Larva

Untamed Turtle

Animated Macaroni Duck

Pet Cheezling

Autonomous Disco Ball

Mariachi Chihuahua

Smiling Rat

Reconstituted Crow

Oily Woim

Gelatinous Cubeling

Adorable Space Buddy

Nosy Nose

Mechanical Songbird

Miniature Sword & Martini Guy

Putty Buddy

Topiary Skunk

Pixel Rock

Derived Familiars

[back to top]
The hatchlings for these familiars are assembled from parts, derived from an IotM, obtainable during a Crimbo or other special event, or acquired some other way. The latest few may still be in Standard.

Hanukkimbo Dreidl

Pet Rock

Snowy Owl

Teddy Bear

Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot

Wind-up Chattering Teeth

Evil Teddy Bear

Toothsome Rock


Bulky Buddy Box

Teddy Borg


Baby Mutant Rattlesnake

Mutant Fire Ant

Mutant Cactus Bud

Mutant Gila Monster

Pair of Ragged Claws

Rock Lobster

Snow Angel


BRICKO chick

Underworld Bonsai

Pottery Barn Owl

Hippo Ballerina

Holiday Log


Feral Kobold

Peppermint Rhino

Tickle-Me Emilio

Flaming Face

Hovering Skull


Homemade Robot


Warbear Drone

Twitching Space Critter

Helix Fossil

Xiblaxian Holo-Companion

Baby Z-Rex



Baby Mayonnaise Wasp

Lil' Barrel Mimic


Restless Cow Skull

Software Bug

Bark Scorpion

Chocolate Lab

Bad Vibe

Cute Meteor







Party Mouse

Yule Hound

Sausage Golem

Plastic Pirate Skull

Pet Coral

Antique Nutcracker

Piranha Plant


Synthetic Rock


Flaming Leafcutter Ant

Pet Anchor

Rigging Snake

Evolving Organism


Burly Bodyguard

Doll Moll

Emberiza Aureola

Pocket Familiars

[back to top]
These familiars can be used only in the Pocket Familiars challenge path.














































April Foolmiliars

[back to top]
These familiars only appear in the Quantum Terrarium challenge path or as foes in the Pocket Familiars path (before that, only on April Fool's Day, 2010), and can't be owned. I think.

Bank Piggy

Egg Benedict

Floating Eye

Money-Making Goblin

Oyster Bunny

Plastic Grocery Bag


Vampire Bird

Worm Doctor

Mr. Items

[back to top]
2004Dark Jill-O-Lanternhand turkey outlinecrimbo elfling
2005orphan baby yetisilk garter snake
lucky Tam O'Shanterlucky Tam O'Shatner
emo roepersonal raindrop
miniature gravy-covered maypoledeflated inflatable dodecapedewax lipspygmy bugbear shamanJekyllin hide beltdoppelshifter eggminiscule temporal ripsweet nutcracker
2006Tome of Snowcone SummoningicebergletMarch hatMcPhee's Grimoire of Hilarious Object Summoninghomeless hobo spiritastral badgerjewel-eyed wizard hatComma Chameleon eggtravoltan trousersplastic pumpkin bucketpilgrim shieldyuletide troll chrysalis
2007Great Ball of Frozen FireLibram of Candy Heart Summoningdandy lion cubbad penguin eggMayflower bouquetbottled green pixiebottle-rocket crossbowwizard action figurenavel ring of navel gazingclass five ecto-larvaV for Vivala maskCrimbo P. R. E. S. S. I. E.
2008Libram of Divine Favorsnaughty origami kitsane hatrackSp'n-Zor's Grimoire of "Tasteful" Giftspacket of mayfly baitllama lama crialittle box of fireworkscotton candy cocoonhaiku katanaspooky rattling cigar boxScratch 'n' Sniff Sticker Tomecandy cornucopia
2009container of Spooky PuttyLibram of Love SongsApathargic Bandersnatch
tiny costume wardrobeelvish sunglasses
Clan VIP Lounge invitationinfant sandwormBag o' Tricksfloaty stone sphereTome of Sugar Shummoningsquamous polypmoveable feastsuspicious stocking
2010stinky cheese ballLibram of BRICKOsClan VIP Lounge invitationpanicked kernelcrown of thronesglowing frisbeeJuju Mojo MaskSchmalz's First Prize BeerGreatest American Pantsorgan grinderGrumpy Bumpkin's Pumpkin Seed Cataloghibernating robot reindeer
2011Loathing Legion knifea cute angelSorcerers of the Shore GrimoireClan VIP Lounge invitationMy Own Pen Pal kitmysterious chestOperation Patriot Shieldfairy-worn bootsTome of Clip ArtMake-Your-Own-Vampire-Fangs kitstuffed-shirt scarecrowMint Salton Pepper's Peppermint Seed Catalog
2012Libram of Resolutionscan of Rain-DohSmall MediumBoris's HelmClan VIP Lounge invitationMoping Artistic Goth KidCamp Scout backpackUnagnimated Gnomebox of bear armsPete & Jackie's Dragon Tooth Emporium Catalogdeactivated nanobotsThinknerd's Grimoire of Geeky Gifts
2013Snow SuitGameInformPowerDailyPro subscription cardJarlsberg's panLibram of Pulled TaffyOrder of the Green Thumb Order Formadventurer clone eggClan VIP Lounge invitationFolder HolderKoLHS Pep Squad Boxdeanimated reanimator's coffinPantsgivingThe Smith's Tome
2014Discontent™ Winter Garden CatalogBuddy BjornSneaky Pete's leather jacketLittle Geneticist DNA-Splicing Labairplane charter: Spring Break Beachstill grillClan VIP Lounge invitationThe Confiscator's GrimoireThor's Pliersairplane charter: Conspiracy Islandfist turkey outlineCrimbo sapling
2015Chateau Mantegna room keybottle of lovebug pheromonesEd the Undying exhibit crateairplane charter: Dinseylandfillportable Mayo Clinic
yellow puckyellow puck with a bow on it
Pack of Every Cardairplane charter: That 70s Volcanoshrine to the Barrel godHaunted Doghouseairplane charter: The Glaciestmachine elf capsule
2016X-32-F snowman crateLT&T telegraph office deedWitchess SetClan VIP Lounge invitationdisconnected intergnatSource terminaldetective school applicationDIY protonic accelerator kitDear Past Self Packageli'l orphan totGranny Tood's Thanksgarden CatalogBuild-a-City Gingerbread kit
2017space planulaheart-shaped crateunpowered RobortenderSpacegate access badgeNew-You Club Membership Formsuspicious packageLI-11 Motor Pool voucherPocket Meteor Guidecorked genie bottlexo-skeleton-in-a-boxpantogramlocked mumming trunk
2018January's Garbage Tote (unopened)Clan VIP Lounge invitationPokéfam Guide to Capturing All of ThemFantasyRealm membership packetGod Lobster EggSongBoom™ BoomBox Boxkitten burglarBastille Battalion control rig crateNeverending Party invitation envelopelatte lovers club cardvoter registration formBoxing Day care package
2019Kramco Industries packing cartonmint condition Lil' Doctor™ bagvampyric cloake patternPirateRealm membership packetFourth of May Cosplay Saber Kitrune-strewn spoon cocoonBeach Comb BoxDistant Woods Getaway Brochurepackaged Pocket ProfessorUnopened Eight Days a Week Pill Keeperunopened diabolic pizza cube boxred-spotted snapper roe
2020unopened Bird-a-Day calendarmint-in-box Powerful GloveBetter Shrooms and Gardens catalogsinistral homunculusGuzzlr applicationbag of Iunion stonesbaby camelCalfpackaged SpinMaster™ latheBagged Cargo Cultist ShortsComprehensive Cartographic Compendiumpackaged knock-off retro superhero capebox o' ghosts
2021packaged miniature crystal ballemotion chippower seedpackaged backup camerashortest-order cookpackaged familiar scrapbookClan VIP Lounge invitationOur Daily Candles™ order formpackaged industrial fire extinguisherbottled Vampire Vintnerpackaged Daylight Shavings Helmetpackaged cold medicine cabinet
2022undrilled cosmic bowling ballcombat lover's locket lockboxgrey goslingundamaged Unbreakable UmbrellaMayDay™ contractpackaged June cleaverdesigner sweatpants (new old stock)unopened tiny stillsuitpackaged Jurassic Parkaboxed autumn-atonmummified entombed cookbookbatpackaged model train set
2023Rock Garden GuideS.I.T. Course Voucherclosed-circuit phone systemcursed monkey gloveshrink-wrapped Cincho de Mayoshrink-wrapped 2002 Mr. Store Catalogsleeping patriotic eagleboxed august scepterbook of factsDark Jill-of-All-TradesA Guide to Burning Leaveswrapped candy cane sword cane
2024baby chest mimicin-the-box spring shoespackaged Everfull Dart Holsterboxed Apriling band helmetboxed Mayam Calendarmini kiwi eggpackaged Roman Candelabrauntorn tearaway pants packageboxed Sept-Ember Censer
boxed bat wingsClan VIP Lounge invitation

Yearly Mr. Items

[back to top]
2005Cheshire Bittencoffee sprite
2006unwound cymbal-playing monkeycalm attention-deficit demon
2007nervous tick eggjitterbug larva
2008unemployed hunchbacked minionsiesta-ing Casagnova gnome
2009uniclops eggpassed-out psychedelic bear
2010hungover chauvinist pigperfectly ordinary frog
2011rehearsing dramatic hedgehogsleeping piano cat
2012The Groose in the HooseThe Kloop in the Coop
2013avatar of the Unconscious Collectivedreaming Jung man
2014praying Grim Brotherhibernating Grimstone Golem
2015golden monkey statuetteProfessor of Spelunkology

2016basking robinFairyball
2017hopeful candleFairyball
2018kerosene-soaked skipFairywhelp
2019elf sleeper agentFairyball
2020Retrospecs try-at-home kitAccessory
2021fresh can of paintShirt
2022mint condition magnifying glassOff-hand
2023unoccupied sheep suitFairyball
2024Black and White Apron Enrollment FormEudora

Jick's Mom and Janet's Merchandise Table

[back to top]
KoL Con 3-D GlassesKoL Con IV PoleKoL Con Cinco Piñata BatKoL Con Six PackSeven LocoKoL Con 8-Bit power bracelet
Hat O' Nine TailsKoL Con X Treasure MapSize XI Wizard's RobeKoL Con 12-gauge
Hippo tutuGygaxian LibramTome of Rad LibsGordon Beer's Beer Garden CatalogXi Receiver Unitpotted tea tree
KoL Con 13 snowglobecrated wardrobe-o-matic
Horsery contractdeed to Oliver's Place


[back to top]


[back to top]
BossOutfit PiecesOther Pieces
Frosty's old silk hat x2

Frosty's carrot

Frosty's nailbat

Frosty's iceball

Frosty's snowball sack

Frosty's arm
Zombo's skullcap

Zombo's shield

Zombo's grievous greaves

Zombo's empty eye

Zombo's shoulder blade

Zombo's skull ring
Chester's bag of candy

Chester's cutoffs

Chester's moustache

Chester's Aquarius medallion

Chester's muscle shirt

Chester's sunglasses
Ol' Scratch
Ol' Scratch's stovepipe hat

Ol' Scratch's ash can

Ol' Scratch's ol' britches

Ol' Scratch's infernal pitchfork

Ol' Scratch's manacles

Ol' Scratch's stove door
Wand of Oscus

Oscus's dumpster waders

Oscus's pelt

Oscus's flypaper pants

Oscus's garbage can lid

Oscus's neverending soda
Uncle Hobo
Uncle Hobo's gift baggy pants

Uncle Hobo's epic beard

Uncle Hobo's stocking cap

Uncle Hobo's fingerless tinsel gloves

Uncle Hobo's highest bough

Uncle Hobo's belt
Hodgman's porkpie hat

Hodgman's lobsterskin pants

Hodgman's bow tie

Hodgman's lucky sock
Hodgman Offhands
Hodgman's almanac

Hodgman's metal detector

Hodgman's varcolac paw

Hodgman's harmonica

Hodgman's garbage sticker

Hodgman's cane
Hodgman Speed
Hodgman's whackin' stick

Hodgman's disgusting technicolor overcoat

Hodgman's imaginary hamster

Code Binder

[back to top]
The Arid, Extra-Dry DesertBelowdecksBugbear PenCamp Logging CampCobb's Knob Menagerie, Level 3
Cola Wars BattlefieldDefiled NookEnormous Greater-Than SigneXtreme SlopeFrat Battlefield
"Fun" HouseLair of the Ninja SnowmenLimerick DungeonNoob CavePenultimate Fantasy Airship
Poker RoomRoad to White CitadelSleazy Back AlleyThugnderdomeThe Unquiet Garves


[back to top]
150 Nickels
battered old top-hat

hobo dungarees

rope with some soap on it
200 Nickels
shapeless wide-brimmed hat

mostly rat-hide leggings

hobo stogie
250 Nickels
crumpled felt fedora

old patched suit-pants

old soft shoes
260 Nickels
deck of lewd playing cards


[back to top]
Seal ClubberTurtle TamerPastamancerSaucerorDisco BanditAccordion Thief

sealskin drum

washboard shield

spaghetti-box banjo

marinara jug

makeshift castanets

left-handed melodica

Slime Tube

[back to top]

hardened slime belt

hardened slime hat

hardened slime pants x2


pernicious cudgel

diabolical crossbow

villainous scythe

grisly shield

corrosive cowl

corroded breeches

malevolent medallion

baneful bandolier x2

slime-covered club

slime-covered speargun

slime-covered helmet

slime-covered necklace

slime-covered lantern

slime-covered shovel

slime-covered compass

slime-covered greaves

Slime-covered staff


[back to top]
BossOutfit PiecesOther Pieces
Great Wolf
Great Wolf's headband

Great Wolf's right paw

Great Wolf's left paw

Great Wolf's lice

Great Wolf's rocket launcher

Great Wolf's beastly trousers





Mayor Ghost
Mayor Ghost's cloak

Mayor Ghost's khakis

Mayor Ghost's toupee x2

Mayor Ghost's scissors

Mayor Ghost's sash

Mayor Ghost's gavel
zombie mariachi hat

zombie accordion

zombie mariachi pants

HOA regulation book

HOA zombie eyes

HOA citation pad
Unkillable Skeleton
Unkillable Skeleton's skullcap

Unkillable Skeleton's shinguards x2

Unkillable Skeleton's breastplate

Unkillable Skeleton's shield

Unkillable Skeleton's sawsword x2

Unkillable Skeleton's restless leg
Count Drunkula
Thunkula's drinking cap

Drunkula's silky pants

Drunkula's cape

Drunkula's ring of haze

Drunkula's wineglass

Drunkula's bell

Cool Items

[back to top]


[back to top]


Counterclockwise Watch

crazy bastard sword

Dallas Dynasty Falcon Crest shield

hockey stick of furious angry rage

optimal spreadsheet


incredibly dense meat gem

Platinum Yendorian Express Card

Talisman of Baio

Talisman of Bakula

The Nuge's favorite crossbow

consolation ribbon

repaid diaper

Ascension Rewards

[back to top]

You have 42 and are missing 102.

stainless steel shillelagh x49

stainless steel skullcap x20

stainless steel solitaire x21

stainless steel scarf x38

stainless steel slacks x30

stainless steel suspenders x75

plexiglass pikestaff

plexiglass pith helmet

plexiglass pocketwatch

plexiglass pinky ring

plexiglass pants x2

plexiglass pendant

Brimstone Bludgeon

Brimstone Bunker

Brimstone Brooch

Brimstone Bracelet

Brimstone Boxers

Brimstone Beret

polyester parachute

polyester pad

polyester peeler

polyester pettipants

polyester panama hat

polyester pulsera

porcelain police baton

porcelain plus-fours

porcelain porkpie

porcelain pepper mill

porcelain pelerine

porcelain phantom mask

dice ring

dice belt buckle

dice-print pajama pants

dice-shaped backpack

dice-print do-rag

dice sunglasses

wicker kickers

wicker slicker

wicker knickers

wicker ticker

wicker sticker

wicker clicker

bakelite belt

bakelite badge

bakelite bowl

bakelite brooch

bakelite breeches

bakelite backpack

aerogel anvil

aerogel akubra

aerogel apron

aerogel ascot

aerogel attache case

aerogel accordion

wrought-iron wig

wrought-iron winch crank

wrought-iron widget

wrought-iron whisk

wrought-iron walker

wrought-iron waders

gabardine gaiters

gabardine garland

gabardine gunnysack

gabardine garibaldi

gabardine girdle

gabardine gloves

fiberglass fetish

fiberglass foil

fiberglass fannypack

fiberglass frock

fiberglass fingerguard

fiberglass fedora

chalk chlamys

chalk chain

chalk chalice

chalk chinos

chalk chapeau

chalk choker

marble maebari

marble mantle

marble magnet

marble mignonette bowl

marble medallion

marble mariachi hat

paraffin punching bag

paraffin pith helmet

paraffin poncho

paraffin pendant

paraffin palazzos

paraffin pseudoaccordion

terra cotta truss

terra cotta trousers

terra cotta tongs

terra cotta train

terra cotta tie tack

terra cotta tambourine

velour voulge

velour vambraces

velour veil

velour viscometer

velour valise

velour vaqueros

stained glass suspenders

stained glass shield

stained glass stetson

stained glass spectacles

stained glass shiv

stained glass serape

loofah lumberjack's hat

loofah lei

loofah lederhosen

loofah ladle

loofah legwarmers

loofah lavalier

flagstone flag

flagstone flail

flagstone flip-flops

flagstone fez

flagstone fleece

flagstone fringe

chiffon chevrons

chiffon chapeau

chiffon chamberpot

chiffon chemise

chiffon chakram

chiffon chaps

ceramic cestus

ceramic centurion shield

ceramic celery grater

ceramic celsiturometer

ceramic cerecloth belt

ceramic cenobite's robe

moss mace

moss megaphone

moss medal

moss mitre

moss mantle

moss marlinspike

adobe arsecover x16

adobe adze

adobe abacus

adobe ayam

adobe ascot

adobe abaya

Swagger Stuff

[back to top]

insulting hat

offensive moustache

cursed microwave

cursed pony keg


bagged stuffed "L"

stuffed "L"

stuffed club

The Cocktail Shaker

School of Hard Knocks Diploma

Universal Seasoning x2

[glitch season reward name]

Law of Averages


[back to top]

Thwaitgold bee statuette x7

Thwaitgold grasshopper statuette x11

Thwaitgold butterfly statuette x2

Thwaitgold stag beetle statuette x32

Thwaitgold woollybear statuette x4

Thwaitgold maggot statuette x21

Thwaitgold praying mantis statuette x4

Thwaitgold firefly statuette x3

Thwaitgold Goliath beetle statuette x26

Thwaitgold bookworm statuette x3

Thwaitgold ant statuette

Thwaitgold dragonfly statuette x16

Thwaitgold wheel bug statuette

Thwaitgold spider statuette x10

Thwaitgold nit statuette

Thwaitgold scarab beetle statuette x11

Thwaitgold caterpillar statuette x6

Thwaitgold termite statuette x98

Thwaitgold scorpion statuette x17

Thwaitgold moth statuette x6

Thwaitgold cockroach statuette x4

Thwaitgold time fly statuette

Thwaitgold amoeba statuette x7

Thwaitgold bug statuette x12

Thwaitgold metabug statuette x4

Thwaitgold chigger statuette

Thwaitgold masked hunter statuette x7

Thwaitgold mosquito statuette x8

Thwaitgold nymph statuette x3

Thwaitgold bombardier beetle statuette x5

Thwaitgold buzzy beetle statuette x6

Thwaitgold keyhole spider statuette

Thwaitgold slug statuette x2

Thwaitgold listening bug statuette x7

Thwaitgold quantum bug statuette x8

Thwaitgold fire beetle statuette x6

Thwaitgold protozoa statuette x76

Thwaitgold harvestman statuette

Thwaitgold mosquito-in-amber statuette x7

Thwaitgold anti-moth statuette x18

Thwaitgold splendor beetle statuette x9

Thwaitgold fairyfly statue x15

Thwaitgold wolf spider statuette x6

Thwaitgold Illinigina illinoiensis model

Thwaitgold shield bug statuette

War Medals

[back to top]
Red Balloon of Valor

Purple Horseshoe of Honor

Blue Diamond of Honesty

Green Clover of Justice x3

Yellow Moon of Compassion x7

Orange Star of Sacrifice x30

Pink Heart of Spirit
Uranium Omega of Temperance

Lead Zeta of Chastity

Aluminum Epsilon of Humility

Zinc Delta of Tranquility x4

Nickel Gamma of Frugality x122

Iron Beta of Industry x382

Copper Alpha of Sincerity x2
Order of the Silver Wossname

Sea Stuff

[back to top]

Lens of Violence

Pigsticker of Violence

Brand of Violence

Jodhpurs of Violence

Ass-Stompers of Violence

Novelty Belt Buckle of Violence

Lens of Hatred

Staff of Simmering Hatred

Cold Stone of Hatred

Pantaloons of Hatred

Fuzzy Slippers of Hatred

Girdle of Hatred

Goggles of Loathing

Stick-Knife of Loathing

Scepter of Loathing

Jeans of Loathing

Treads of Loathing

Belt of Loathing

Pocket Square of Loathing x4


[back to top]

Staff of the Short Order Cook

Staff of the Midnight Snack

Staff of Blood and Pudding

Staff of the Teapot Tempest

Staff of the Greasefire

Staff of the Black Kettle

Staff of the Soupbone

Staff of the Scummy Sink

Staff of the Well-Tempered Cauldron

Staff of the Walk-In Freezer

Staff of the Grand Flambé

Staff of the Kitchen Floor

Staff of the Grease Trap

Staff of the Deepest Freeze

The Necbromancer's Wizard Staff

Staff of Holiday Sensations

Staff of the Roaring Hearth

Staff of the Electric Range

Staff of Kitchen Royalty

Staff of Frozen Lard

Staff of the Peppermint Twist

Marty's Quest

[back to top]

Hand-carved bokken

Hand-carved bow

Hand-carved staff

pogo stick

Secrets from the Future (2009)

[back to top]
Seal ClubberTurtle TamerPastamancerSaucerorDisco BanditAccordion Thief

monstrous monocle

brazen bracelet

molten medallion

bewitching boots

bitter bowtie

musty moccasins

Underworld (2009)

[back to top]

Underworld truncheon

Staff of the Woodfire

Underworld flail

Moment of Reflection (2010)

[back to top]

Walrus ice cream

beautiful soup

eggman noodles

vial of jus de larmes

lobster qua grill

missing wine

Humpty Dumplings

ittah bittah hookah

Chess Boards Completed 50/50

Arcade Games (2010)

[back to top]

space trip safety headphones

sinister demon mask

dungeon fist gauntlet

streetfighting champion's belt

meteoid ice beam

Necbromancer (2011)

[back to top]

The Necbromancer's Hat

The Necbromancer's Stein

The Necbromancer's Shorts

Raiments of the Final Boss (2013)

[back to top]

Helm of the Scream Emperor x22

Cloak of Dire Shadows x30

Sword of Dark Omens x17

Shield of Icy Fate x24

Greaves of the Murk Lord x26

Boots of Twilight Whispers x23

Belt of Howling Anger x23

Gauntlets of the Blood Moon x22

Psychoanalysis (2013)

[back to top]



Sword of Procedural Generation




White Dragon Fang

Warbear Crimbo (2013)

[back to top]

warbear warscarf

warbear laser bowtie

warbear goggles

warbear fleece-lined warscarf

warbear plasma bowtie

warbear snowblindness goggles

warbear electric warscarf

warbear nuclear bowtie

warbear polarized goggles

warbear plain ushanka

warbear plain helm

warbear plain fedora

warbear lined ushanka

warbear spiked helm

warbear feathered fedora

warbear heated ushanka

warbear electro-spiked helm

warbear fancy fedora

warbear long johns

warbear battle greaves

warbear party pants

warbear fleece-lined long johns

warbear officer greaves

warbear ceremonial party pants

warbear electric long johns

warbear bearserker greaves

warbear high festival pants

warbear breakfast machine

warbear soda machine

We All Wear Masks (2014)

[back to top]

silver cow creamer

wolf whistle

witch's bra

spinning wheel

hare pin

Conspiracy Island (2014)

[back to top]

Sasq™ watch

pair of plants

smoker's cloak

camouflage T-shirt

trench lighter

mercenary pistol

mercenary rifle

Dinseylandfill (2015)

[back to top]

Dinsey's oculus

Dinsey's radar dish

Dinsey's pizza cutter

Dinsey's brain

Dinsey's pants

Dinsey's glove

stinky fannypack

garbage sticker

hazmat helmet

fake washboard

backwoods banjo

ratskin pajama pants

That 70s Volcano (2015)

[back to top]


basaltamander buckler

lava balaclava

biker's hat

feathered headdress

electrician's hardhat

blue LavaCo Lamp™

green LavaCo Lamp™

red LavaCo Lamp™

Lavalos's shell

Mr. Cheeng's spectacles

The One Mood Ring

little deuce cape

Pener's drumstick


Glaciest (2015)

[back to top]

Wal-Mart snowglobe

Wal-Mart nametag

Wal-Mart overalls

octolus-skin cloak

norwhal helmet

sardine can key

Gotpork (2016)

[back to top]

replica bat-oomerang

The Jokester's pants

The Jokester's wig

The Jokester's gun x11

LT&T Telegraph Office (2016)

[back to top]

Amoon-Ra Cowtep's nemes

Daisy's unclean bloomers

Fancy Jeff's fancy pocket square

Former Sheriff Dan's tin star

Glenn's golden dice

El Vibrato restraints

Clara's bell

Granny Hackleton's Gatling gun

western-style skinning knife

reliable sixgun

steel knuckles

Pecos Dave's sixgun

Fishin' Gear (2016)

[back to top]

antique tacklebox

sonar fishfinder

Precinct (2016)

[back to top]

noir fedora

trench coat

detective roscoe

Busting Makes You Feel Good (2016)

[back to top]

burnt snowpants

Carpathian longsword

fleshy lump

frigid derringer

haunted bindle

Liam's mail

Mr. Screege's spectacles

smoldering bagel punch

Spookyraven signet

standards and practices guide

tie-dyed fannypack

Unfortunato's foolscap

Gingerbread City (2016)

[back to top]

candy dog collar


gingerbread gavel

gingerbread moneybag

gingerbread mask

gingerbread pistol


sour ball and chain

sprinkle-begging cup

Chakra Crimbo (2016)

[back to top]

bad vibroknife

crystal belt buckle

Krampus Horn

saffron antaravasaka

saffron uttarasanga

third eye

Uncle Crimbo's hat

Spacegate (2017)

[back to top]

primitive alien blowgun

primitive alien loincloth

primitive alien necklace

primitive alien spear

primitive alien totem

Silent Crombotato (2017)

[back to top]

mime army insignia (psychological warfare)

mime army insignia (cryonics)

mime army insignia (sanitation)

mime army insignia (morale)

mime army insignia (pyrotechnics)

mime army insignia (intelligence)

mime army insignia (espionage)

mime army insignia (infantry)

mime army infiltration glove

mime army challenge coin

mime army shotglass

FantasyRealm (2018)

[back to top]

shield of the Skeleton Lord

ring of the Skeleton Lord

scepter of the Skeleton Lord

Neverending Party (2018)

[back to top]

everfull glass

fancy party pants

gold skull ring

paint palette


party crasher

party whip

pump-up high-tops

PirateRealm (2019)

[back to top]

lucky gold ring

Red Roger's red left foot

Red Roger's red left hand

Red Roger's red right foot

Red Roger's red right hand

Underwater Crimbo (2019)

[back to top]

anemoney clip

Crimbylow-rise jeans

Dolph Bossin's charity note

hand-knitted diving booties

icing poncho

kelp-holly drape

kelp-holly gun

Mer-kin rollpin

oxygenated eggnog helmet

peppermint harpoon gun

peppermint spine

ribbon candy ascot

soggy elf shoes

Yuleviathan necklace

Gooified Crimbo (2021)

[back to top]

can of mixed everything

carnivorous potted plant

cozy scarf

the Crymbich Manuscript (used)

goo magnet

potato alarm clock

meatball machine

refurbished air fryer

Oliver's Place (2022)

[back to top]

bullet necklace x2

Charleston shoes

rare oboe x2

prohie's hat x3

Train Crimbo (2022)

[back to top]

Abuela Crimbo's special magnet

automatic wine thief

portable ping-pong table

portable steam unit

really nice lump of coal

silver table-scraper

The Superconductor's CPU

train whistle

Trainbot harness

Trainbot luggage hook

Trainbot radar monocle

white arm towel

Pirate Crimbo (2023)

[back to top]

ancient Elf dessert spoon

brown pirate pants

Crimbuccaneer bombjacket

Crimbuccaneer fledges (disintegrating)

Crimbuccaneer lantern

Crimbuccaneer runebone

Crimbuccaneer tavern swab

Elf Guard broom

Elf Guard clipboard

Elf Guard fuel tank

Elf Guard insignia (general)

Elf Guard red and white beret

Elf Guard safety bear

Elf Guard SCUBA tank

Elvish underarmor

free boots x2


gunwale whalegun

Lil' Snowball Factory

massive wrench

punching mirror

stuffed kraken


Twitchery (most recent 2024)

[back to top]

Caveman Dan's favorite rock x2

Chroner cross

Chroner trigger

flagellate flagon

flapper floppers

glass eye




messenger bag RNA


portable Othello set


solid shifting time weirdness

Time-twitching toolbelt

Time Lord Badge of Honor

Time Bandit Time Towel

Time Cape

Time Lord Participation Mug

Time Cloak

time shuriken

white earbuds

wooly loincloth

yabba dabba doo rag


Hair Club for Loathers

[back to top]

outrageous sombrero

tin star

"Humorous" T-shirt

Royal scepter

exclusive club

Martialest Arts trophy

talking spade

infinite BACON machine

First Post shirt - Cir Senam

Official Council Aide Pin

eldritch hammer

HP-35 Calculator

recovered cufflinks

License to Chill

Jeppson's Malort

tiny plastic sword



etched hourglass

Murgatroyd diode

red plumber's boots

subscription cocoa dispenser

stuffed dinosaur


[back to top]


[back to top]

You have found 155 of these discoveries and are missing 115.
Are some discoveries not showing up? Turn Inventory Images ON and one-click crafting OFF and try again - it has a higher success rate.

a little sump'm sump'man evil little sump'm sump'mbad rum and good colabanana daiquiribeaver punch (cherry)beaver punch (papaya)
beaver punch (peach)berry-infused sakeblended frozen swillblended frozen swill with a fly in itblood-red mushroom winebloody beer (Sir S)
bloody beer (Willer)bloody maryBloody Norabodyslamboilermakerbottle of drinkin' gas
bottle of ginbottle of rumbottle of sakebottle of Sanguiovesebottle of tequilabottle of vodka
bottle of whiskeyboxed wineBreakfast Blast wine coolerbungle in the jungleButtery Boybuzzing mushroom wine
caipifrutacalle de mielcalle de miel with a fly in itcarrot claretcherry bombCherrytastrophe wine cooler
chocotiniChurchillCitrus Crush wine coolercitrus-infused sakeCobra Bowlcomplex mushroom wine
cool mushroom wineCrimbojitoCrimbow Rainbodew yoana leidew yoana salacious leidirt julep
dirty martiniDivinedouble entendreDreadsylvanian cold-fashionedDreadsylvanian dank and stormyDreadsylvanian grimlet
Dreadsylvanian hot toddyDreadsylvanian slithery nippledrive-by shootingdry martinidry vodka martiniducha de oro
dusty bottle of blood (Marsala)dusty bottle of blood (Merlot)dusty bottle of blood (Muscat)dusty bottle of blood (Pinot Noir)dusty bottle of blood (Port)dusty bottle of blood (Zinfandel)
eggnogeighth plagueeldritch elixirElectric Punchelemental caipiroskaespecially salty dog
evil ducha de oroevil horizontal tangoevil roll in the hayextra-spicy bloody maryextremely slippery nippleFeliz Navidad
fine wineflaming mushroom wineflat mushroom winefruity girl swillfuzzbumpgamma nog
Ghiaccio Coladagibsongimletgin and tonicGin Mintgloomy mushroom wine
Gnollish sangriaGnomish sagngriaGordon Bennettgreat old fashionedgreen beer (Sir S)green beer (Willer)
green drunki-beargroggrogtinigunner's daughterhaunted bottle of vodkahaunted eggnog
haunted gimlethaunted martinihell in a buckethorizontal tangoicy mushroom wineIrish Coffee, English Heart
Island HurricaneIsland LandslideIsland Thunderstormknob mushroom wineknoll mushroom wineliteral grasshopper
London froglow tide martinilumbering jacklychee chuhaiMae WestMae West with a fly in it
mandarina coladamandarina colada with a fly in itmargaritamartinimelon-infused sakementholated wine
mimosetteMint YulepMon Tikimonkey wrenchmoreltinimorning dew
mulled berry winemulled bloodMurderer's Punchmushroom whiskeyMysterious Island iced teaneg grog
nega-mushroom wineNeuromancerNewarknice warm beerNog-on-the-Cobnothingtini
ocean motionoily mushroom wineold-fashionedOrangemageddon wine cooleroverpowering mushroom winePaint A Vulgar Pitcher
papaya slingparisian cathousepebblebräu (Sir S)pebblebräu (Willer)perfect cosmopolitanperfect dark and stormy
perfect mimosaperfect negroniperfect old-fashionedperfect palomaperpendicular hulaperpendicular hula with a fly in it
Phil CollinsPhlegethonpink ponypiscatiniplum winepointy mushroom wine
prussian cathouseprussian cathouse with a fly in itpumpkin beerR'lyehrabbit punchRadberry Rip wine cooler
red drunki-bearRed Russianred white and blue claretredrumreverse Tantalusrobin nog
rockin' wagonrockin' wagon with a fly in itroll in the hayrum and cola (cloaca)rum and cola (dyspepsi)Russian Ice
salacious lychee chuhaisalacious screwdiversalt plum sakesalty dogsangriaSangria de Menthe
sangria del diabloScorpion Bowlscrewdiverscrewdrivershot of blackberry schnappsshot of flower schnapps
shot of grapefruit schnappsshot of orange schnappsshot of peach schnappsshot of pear schnappsshot of tomato schnappsshroomtini
Siberian sunriseSimepore slimesingle entendreskewered cherryskewered jumbo oliveskewered lime
Skull Punchslap and slap againslap and tickleslap and tickle with a fly in itslip 'n' slidesmooth mushroom wine
Smuggler's Punchsnakebitesoft green echo eyedrop antidote martinisoilzeracSourfingerSouthern yam
spiced rumspooky mushroom winestealth bomberSteamboatstinky mushroom winestrawberry daiquiri
strawberry wineStrikes Again Bigmouthsweet potato o' minesweet potato punchswirling mushroom winetangarita
tangarita with a fly in itteqiwilateqiwila slammertequila sunrisetequila sunsettequila with training wheels
Tequiz Navidadtropical swillTurtle Bowltwice-haunted screwdrivervampagne (carbonated soy milk)vampagne (Monstar energy beverage)
vespervodka and cranberryvodka and tonicvodka barracudavodka gibsonvodka martini
Vodka Matryoshkavodka stingervodka stratocasterwhiskey and cola (cloaca)whiskey and cola (dyspepsi)whiskey and soda
whiskey bittersweetwhiskey sourwhiskey squeezewhite CanadianWhite Hyborianwine spritzer
world's most unappetizing beverageyam martiniyellow brick roadyellow drunki-bearyule grogzmobie


[back to top]

You have found 244 of these discoveries and are missing 130.
Are some discoveries not showing up? Turn Inventory Images ON and one-click crafting OFF and try again - it has a higher success rate.

3vi1 pr0n m4nic0ttiacceptable bagelactual blood sausage (batgut)actual blood sausage (ratgut)agnolotti arboliAlexy sauce
alien sandwichash sodaasparagus lo meinasparagus stir-frybätzlebaked stuffing
baked veggie ricotta casserolebanana cream piebanana milkshakebanana smoothiebanana spritzerbat haggis
bat wing kabobbat wing stir-frybean burritoBeefy Crunch Pastacobeer basted bratbitter pill
blackberry politeblood roll-upblood snowconeblood-soaked sponge cake (filthy poultice)blood-soaked sponge cake (gauze garter)bloodstick
boring spaghettiBoris's beerBoris's breadBoris's key limeBoris's key lime pieBrain Food Pastaco
brains casserolebread rollbriny vinegarCalzone of Legendcandied sweet potatoescandy carrot cake
carob browniescarob chunk cookiescarrot cakecatgut tacocheesy eagle saucecherry pie
chitin powder pastechorizo tacococoa eggcold and sour saucecold hi meincold wad
cologne of contemptconcentrated cordial of concentrationconcoction of clumsinessConnery's Elixir of AudacityCool Brunch Pastacocool mushroom casserole
cordial of concentrationcranberry cordialcranberry cylindercream of pointy mushroom soupcream pieCrimbo pie
crudlesDeep Dish of Legenddelicious noodlesdelicious spicy noodlesdeluxe layer cakedenastified haunch
devil hair pastaDevil's Elbow Hot SauceDreadsylvanian cold pocketDreadsylvanian hot pocketDreadsylvanian sleaze pocketDreadsylvanian spooky pocket
Dreadsylvanian stink pocketdrug cocktail sauceeldritch distillateeldritch essenceeldritch mushroom pizzaenchanted bean burrito
Energy Buzz PastacoEvery Day is Like This Sundaeevil boring spaghettievil delicious noodlesevil delicious spicy noodlesevil eyedrops of the ermine
evil libation of livelinessevil ointment of the occultevil painful penne pastaevil philter of phorceevil potion of potencyevil ravioli della hippy
evil serum of sarcasmevil spicy noodlesevil tomato juice of powerful powereyedrops of newteyedrops of the ermineeyedrops of the ocelot
fancy schmancy cheese sauceFerrigno's Elixir of PowerFettrisfettucini épines Inconnufettucini Inconnufishy fish
fishy fish casserolefishy fish lasagnaflask of baconstone juiceflask of hamethyst juiceflask of porquoise juicefleetwood mac 'n' cheese
flower petal piefluid of fudge-findingFrogadefudgesiclefusilli marrownarrowfusillocybin
ghost pickle on a stickghostly pickling solutionghuol egg quicheghuol guolashghuol-ear kabobgnat lasagna
gnatloafgnatloaf casserolegnocchetti di Nietzschegoat cheese pizzagoat cheese tacogood gravy
green bean casserolegrilled cheese sandwichgrue egg omelettehalf double fruitcakehaunted cherry piehaunted Hell ramen
haunted orangehaunted pizzaHawking's Elixir of BrillianceHell brothHell ramenherb brownies
Himalayan Hidalgo saucehippy herbal teahoney bun of Borishot and sour saucehot hi meinhot stuffing
hot wadHumpty Dumplingsillicit fish sauceinsanely spicy bean burritoinsanely spicy enchanted bean burritoinsanely spicy jumping bean burrito
Jarlsberg's key limeJarlsberg's key lime pieJarlsberg's vegetable soupjug of baconstone juicejug of hamethyst juicejug of porquoise juice
jumping bean burritojumping bean tacoKnob cakeKnob lo meinKnob sausage stir-fryKnob shroomkabob
Knob stir-fryKnob stroganoffKnob stuffed shellsKnoll lo meinKnoll shroomkabobKnoll stir-fry
large cocoa eggshell fragmentlava cakeleftovers sandwichlemon meringue pielemon popsiclelibation of liveliness
libertagliatellelihc eye pielinguini immondizia biancolinguini of the sealiver popsicleloaf of soda bread
long pork casserolelong pork chop sandwicheslong pork lasagnalotion of coldnesslotion of hotnesslotion of sleaziness
lotion of spookinesslotion of stenchLucky Surprise EggLudovico Pastacomagical baguettemashed potatoes
Medical Pastacomenudomenudo raviolimilk of magnesiummince pieMiserable Pie
moosemeat pieMountain Stream gastriquemushroom pizzamushroom teaneutron lollipopnutty organic salad
oil of expertiseoil of oilinessoil of slipperinessoil of stabilityointment of the occultolive lo mein
olive stir-fryorange popsicleoyster saucepainful penne pastapapaya tacopapier-mâché glob
papotion of papowerpatent aggression tonicpatent alacrity tonicpatent avarice tonicpatent invisibility tonicpatent preventative tonic
patent sallowness tonicpeach lozengepeach piepear lozengepear tartpecan pie
perfume of prejudicePete's rich ricottaPete's wiley whey barphial of coldnessphial of hotnessphial of sleaziness
phial of spookinessphial of stenchphilter of phorcepie crustPizza of Legendplain calzone
plain pizza (flat dough)plain pizza (wad of dough)plum lozengepotent potion of potencypotion of potencypotion of temporary gr8ness
pr0n cocktail (catsup)pr0n cocktail (ketchup)pr0n m4nic0ttipr0n stir-frypr0n tacopregnant gloomy black mushroom
pregnant mushroompregnant oily golden mushroomprescription noodlespressurized potion of perceptionpressurized potion of perspicacitypressurized potion of pneumaticity
pressurized potion of possessivenesspressurized potion of proficiencypressurized potion of puissancepressurized potion of pulchritudepumpkin pierainbow sauce
rat appendix kabobrat appendix stir-fryrat scrappleratatouille de Jarlsbergratiniravioli della hippy
roasted vegetable focacciaroasted vegetable of Jarlsbergrobin flanrocky road ice cream (baboon)rocky road ice cream (goat)royal jelly taco
salamander slurrySalsa de las EpocasSalsa Libresauce of the agessausage pizzasausage wonton
savory dry noodlesseared dino steaksecret blend of herbs and spicesserum of sarcasmshells a la shellfishskewered cat appendix
sleaze wadsleazy and sour saucesleazy fairy gravysleazy hi meinSneaky Pete's key limeSneaky Pete's key lime pie
spagecialettispaghetti con calaverasspaghetti with ghost ballsspaghetti with SkullheadsSpecial™ Saucespectral pickle
spicy bean burritospicy enchanted bean burritospicy jumping bean burritospicy mushroom quesadillaspicy noodlesspooky and sour sauce
spooky glovespooky hi meinspooky lo meinspooky shroomkabobspooky stir-frySpooky Surprise Egg
spooky wadsquirmy violent party snackSt. Pete's sneaky smoothiestandard-issue cupcakestar key limestar key lime pie
stench and sour saucestench wadstinky hi meinstrawberry piestrawberry popsiclestuffed spooky mushroom
suggestive strozzapretisuper ka-bobsuper saladtempura airtempura avocadotempura broccoli
tempura carrottempura cauliflowertempura cucumbertempura green and red beantempura radishthanksgiving turkey
They liver popsicleThis Charming Flantoast with cold jellytoast with hot jellytoast with sleaze jellytoast with spooky jelly
toast with stench jellytofu casseroletofu stir-frytofu tacotofu wontontomato juice of powerful power
turkish mostaccioliultra-deluxe cupcakeunfortunate dumplingsunfrosted Knob cakeunstable fulminateunwound clockwork grapefruit
vial of baconstone juicevial of hamethyst juicevial of porquoise juicewarm gravywet stewwet stunt nut stew
wet tackwhalecakewhite chocolate chip brownieswhite chocolate chip cookieswok lobsteryam burrito
yam mayoyam slider


[back to top]

You have found 126 of these discoveries and are missing 202.
Are some discoveries not showing up? Turn Inventory Images ON and one-click crafting OFF and try again - it has a higher success rate.

4-d camera99.44% pure mathA Beginner's Guide to Charming Snakes (used)A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 1 (used)A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 2 (used)A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 3 (used)
A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 4 (used)A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 5 (used)A Crimbo Carol, Ch. 6 (used)abridged dictionaryaerated diving helmetammonite candy mold
annealed drippy orbaquamariner's necklaceaquamariner's ringasshatAutobiography Of Dynamite Superman Jones (used)baconstone earring
baconstone pendantbaconstone ringbaconstone-handled sixgunbadass beltbanana supersuckerbananarama bangle
barrel beryl chokerbarrel beryl nose ringbarrel beryl ringbarskin tentbartender skullbartender-in-the-box
battery (9-Volt) (AA+AA)battery (9-Volt) (AAA+D)battery (AA)battery (car) (AA+9-Volt)battery (car) (AAA+lantern)battery (car) (D+D)
battery (D)battery (lantern) (AA+D)battery (lantern) (AAA+9-Volt)beach glass necklacebeanbag chairbeer goggles
belemnite candy moldbezoar ringbitchin' meatcarblank fudge moldblessed large boxblue LavaCo Lamp™
bomb of unknown originbone rattleBonerdagon necklacebox-in-the-boxbox-in-the-box-in-the-boxboxing glove on a spring
boxing-glove-in-a-boxbrainy skullbuffed alien drugsburrowgrub hivecandy cane candygramcapped blue lava bottle
capped green lava bottlecapped red lava bottlecarrot-on-a-stickchaos popcorncharged magnetchef skull
chef-in-the-boxchitinous podChoker of the Ultragothclockwork bartender headclockwork bartender-in-the-boxclockwork chef head
clockwork chef-in-the-boxclockwork detective skullclockwork maidclockwork maid headclockwork pirate skullclub of corruption
cog and sprocket assemblycold clusterbombcorrupt club of corrupt corruptioncorrupt club of corruptioncorrupted bird DNAcottage
creepy voodoo dollCRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 1) (used)CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 2) (used)CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 3) (used)CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 4) (used)CRIMBCO Employee Handbook (chapter 5) (used)
dark baconstone ringdark hamethyst ringdark porquoise ringdecaying wooden oardetective skulldisembodied smile
doll-eye amuletdope wheelsdouble barreled barrel gundove DNAdrippy bromidedrippy enzyme
drippy fluxdrippy ichordrippy pigmentdrippy saltdusty animal skullEarring of Fire
Ellsbury's journal (used)empty hourglassenchanted eyepatchetched hourglassevil golden archeseXtreme nose ring
fertilized ghuol eggField Guide to Skeletal Anatomy (shredded)filigreed hamethyst earringfiligreed hamethyst necklacefiligreed hamethyst ringFlaskfull of Hollow
floaty rock necklacefull meat tankfurry brown pillowgiant diamond ringgiant fishhookgnashing teeth
gnatwing earringgnoll-tooth necklaceGnollish autoplungergoatgoblin bone hiltGolden Light
gooey drippy candy bargory drippy orbgovernmentgrass whistlegreen LavaCo Lamp™green marshmallow
groovy prism necklacegunwale whalegunhamethyst earringhamethyst necklacehamethyst ringhamethyst-handled sixgun
handful of napalmHandsome DevilHarold's hammerheadpiece of the Staff of Edheavy metal sonataheavy metal thunderrr guitarrr
holiday loghosed fishbowlhosed tankhot clusterbombhot daubhourglass
hovering sombreroice skate decoyice skate dollIce-Cold Aluminum NecklaceIce-Cold Beer RingIce-Cold Beerring
imbued seal-blubber candleInigo's Incantation of Inspiration (crumpled)innuendoinsulated gold wireintragalactic rowboatkumquartz ring
kumquat supersuckerleaflifeless meat dolllime supersuckerloose bladeLouder Than Bomb
lustrous drippy orbmaid headmakeshift SCUBA gear (hosed fishbowl)makeshift SCUBA gear (hosed tank)makeshift yakuza maskmaple leaf
Mark I Steam-HatMark II Steam-HatMark III Steam-HatMark IV Steam-HatMark V Steam-Hatmass of wriggling tentacles
meat enginemeat facemeat golemMeat maidMeat maid bodymeat stack
memory of a CA base pairmemory of a CG base pairmemory of a CT base pairmemory of a GT base pairmemory of an AG base pairmemory of an AT base pair
meteorite earringmeteorite necklacemeteorite ringmoon-amber necklaceMudflap-Girl EarringMudflap-Girl Necklace
Mudflap-Girl Ringmurderbot live wiremurderbot maskmurderbot shield unitmurderbot spring injectormurderbot whip
mysterious presentNDNGnicksilver ringninja pirate zombie robot headNose Ring of Putrescence
nothing-in-the-boxnothing-in-the-box-in-the-boxoffice-supply crossbowone-winged stab batopium grenadeoyster basket
pair of pearidot earringspair of ragged clawspair of rhinoceros hornspair of twitching clawsparasitic clawparasitic headgnawer
parasitic stranglewormparasitic tentaclespeace-sign necklacepear supersuckerpearl diver's necklacepearl diver's ring
Pendant of FirePendant of Gargalesispeppermint parasolphat turquoise braceletpicture of youpine cone necklace
pirate skullpirate zombie headpirate zombie robot headpopcornporquoise eyebrow ringporquoise necklace
porquoise ringporquoise-handled sixgunPotion of Heroismpresentpretty bouquetpulled porquoise earring
pulled porquoise pendantpulled porquoise ringpumpkin bombpumpkin carriagePutrid Pendantquicksilver ring
rainbow bombrainbow pearl earringrainbow pearl necklacerainbow pearl ringreally really sticky spider webreally sticky spider web
reassembled blackbirdreconstituted crowred LavaCo Lamp™rewinged stab batRing of FireRing of the Sewer Snake
roller skate decoyroller skate dollrusty metal keyrusty old lanterns'more gunsabre-toothed lime cub
salty drippy candy barsandpaperscary death orbscrap of sticky papershark tooth necklacesicksilver ring
skeleton keysleaze clusterbombslicksilver ringsmoked potsherdsolid baconstone earringsolid baconstone necklace
solid baconstone ringspooky clusterbombspooky scarecrowspooky staffsprocket assemblyStaff of Ed (eye)
Staff of Ed (headpiece)Staff of Ed, almoststench clusterbombstrawberry supersuckerstrawberyl necklaceTales of a Kansas Toymaker (used)
Talisman o' NamsilattambourineThe Art of Slapfighting (used)the fingerThe Joy of Wassailing (used)The Necbronomicon (used)
The Ringthicksilver ringticksilver ringtiny black holetorquoise ringtourmalime tourniquet
trilobite candy moldtriple barreled barrel gunUncle Romulus (used)Unspeakable Earringvampire pearl earringvampire pearl necklace
vampire pearl ringWAWand of Nagamarwangwholeberdwicksilver ring
wings of firewriggling tentaclewrithing drippy candy barZu Mannkäse Dienen (used)


[back to top]

You have found 173 of these discoveries and are missing 129.
Are some discoveries not showing up? Turn Inventory Images ON and one-click crafting OFF and try again - it has a higher success rate.

17-alarm Saucepan7-inch discusA Light that Never Goes Outancient turtle shell helmetasbestos crossbowasbestos helmet turtle
asbestos meat stackasbestos staffasbestos swordbaneful bandolierbar whipbarskin buckler
barskin cloakbarskin hatbarskin loinclothbasic meat crossbowbasic meat fezbasic meat foon
basic meat helmetbasic meat kiltbasic meat pantsbasic meat skirtbasic meat sporkbasic meat staff
basic meat swordbat hatbat whipbat-ass leather jacketBelt of Loathingblack belt
black cowboy hatbow staffbowlegged pantsbowlerbubble bauble bowbubblewrap bottlecap turtleban
bubblewrap crossbowbubblewrap staffbubblewrap swordbuffalo bladecan cannoncardboard box turtle
cardboard crossbowcardboard staffcardboard swordcarob cannoncatskin bucklercatskin cap
Chelonian Morningstarchrome crossbowchrome helmet turtlechrome meat stackchrome staffchrome sword
clown whipclown wigclownskin beltclownskin bucklerclownskin harnessclub of the five seasons
corroded breechescorrosive cowlcreepy-ass clubCrimbo hatCrimbo pantsCrimbo sword
Crimbonium fuel rodcurdflingerdemon bucklerdemon whipdemon-horned hatdemonskin jacket
demonskin trousersdense meat crossbowdense meat staffdense meat sworddepleted Grimacite astrolabedepleted Grimacite grappling hook
depleted Grimacite gravy boatdepleted Grimacite hammerdepleted Grimacite ninja maskdepleted Grimacite shinguardsdepleted Grimacite weightlifting beltdiabolical crossbow
dripping meat crossbow (catsup)dripping meat crossbow (ketchup)dripping meat staff (catsup)dripping meat staff (ketchup)dripping meat sword (catsup)dripping meat sword (ketchup)
dueling banjoeelskin hateelskin pantseelskin shieldelevenderizing hammerelevennis shoes
eleventenchantlersevil-ass clubeXtreme meat crossboweXtreme meat staffeXtreme meat sword
fez of etymologyflaming cardboard swordfloaty rock helmetfloaty rock pantsflypaper stafffoon of fearfulness
foon of fleshinessfoon of foulnessfoon of frigidityfoon of fulminationFrankly Mr. Shankfrigid-ass club
Frost™ brand swordfurry green earmuffsfurry kiltfurry pantsfurry skirtgatorskin umbrella (goatskin)
gatorskin umbrella (titanium)gelatinous meat massghast iron cleaverghast iron codpieceghast iron Garibaldighast iron heater shield
ghast iron ingotgiant cheesestickgiant green gummi ingotgiant red gummi ingotgiant yellow gummi ingotglistening staff
gnauga hide bucklergnauga hide chapsgnauga hide kiltgnauga hide skirtgnauga hide vestgnauga hide whip
Goggles of Loathinggoulaunchergrass bladegrass hatgrass skirtgrease gun
Greek Pasta Spoon of Perilgrisly shieldHairpiece On Firehairy staffHalf a PurseHammer of Smiting
Hand in GloveHand that Rocks the Ladlehippo skin bucklerhippo whiphippopotamus kilthippopotamus pants
hippopotamus skirthipposkin ponchohot cross bowhot-ass clubicy-hot katanaJeans of Loathing
Kentucky-fried meat crossbowKentucky-fried meat staffKentucky-fried meat swordknobby kneepadslinoleum crossbowlinoleum helmet turtle
linoleum meat stacklinoleum stafflinoleum swordlynyrdskin breecheslynyrdskin caplynyrdskin tunic
malevolent medallionmeat cowboy hatmeat shieldMeat Tenderizer is Murdermeatloaf helmet (catsup)meatloaf helmet (ketchup)
meatspout staffmeaty helmet turtlemuculent machetenasty rat masknasty-ass clubnicksilver spurs
non-stick pugil stickOuija Board, Ouija Boardpainted shieldpenguin shortspenguin skin bucklerpenguin whip
penguinskin mini-kiltpenguinskin mini-skirtpernicious cudgelpestobladepimpin' meat hatpink pinkslip slip
potato pistolpoutine poleprojectile icemakerPVC staffquicksilver spursrainbow crossbow
ram-battering staffraspberry beretratskin beltrattail whipreinforced furry underpantsrepeating crossbow
rusty staffsamurai turtle helmetSaucepanicsavory crossbowsavory staffsavory sword
Scepter of Loathingsea chapssea cowboy hatsea holstersebaceous shieldsentient meat mass
sequined fezShagadelic Disco BanjoShakespeare's Sister's AccordionSheila Take a Crossbowshin gourdsshuddersword
sicksilver spurssimple AIsix-rainbow shieldslicksilver spurssmoldering staffsoup-chucks
soylent staffspace beast fur hatspace beast fur pantsspace beast fur whipspiky turtle helmetspiky turtle shield
spiky turtle shoulderpadsSpirit Precipicesponge helmetspongy shieldsquare sponge pantssqueaky staff
Squeezebox of the AgesStaff of the Headmaster's VictualsStaff of the November Jack-O-Lanternstaph of homophonesstarchy crossbowstarchy staff
starchy swordStick-Knife of Loathingsticky meat kilt (female)sticky meat kilt (male)sticky meat pantssticky meat skirt
styrofoam crossbowstyrofoam staffstyrofoam swordSuper Magic Power Sword Xsword behind inappropriate prepositionssword of static
tail o' nine catsteflon shieldteflon spatulateflon swim finsthicksilver spursticksilver spurs
tighty whiteystime helmettime swordtime trouserstortoboggan shieldTreads of Loathing
Tropical Crimbo HatTropical Crimbo ShortsTropical Crimbo Swordtuxedo shirtvelcro bootsvelcro broadsword
velcro paddle ballvelcro shieldVicar's Tutuvillainous scythevinyl bootsvinyl shield
white beltwhite snakeskin dusterwhite whipwicksilver spurswiffle-flailWork is a Four Letter Sword
yak anorakyak toupeeyak whipyakskin buckleryakskin kiltyakskin pants
yakskin skirtzombie dinosaur egg

Miscellaneous Discoveries

[back to top]

You have found 117 of these discoveries and are missing 45.
Are some discoveries not showing up? Turn Inventory Images ON and one-click crafting OFF and try again - it has a higher success rate.

auxiliary backboneballoon helmetballoon monkeyballoon shieldballoon swordballpark hot daub
bark beretbark boxersbark braceletBonestabberBRICKO airshipBRICKO bat
BRICKO cathedralBRICKO elephantBRICKO gargantuchickenBRICKO hatBRICKO octopusBRICKO ooze
BRICKO oysterBRICKO pantsBRICKO pyramidBRICKO pythonBRICKO swordBRICKO turtle
BRICKO vacuum cleanercane-mail pantscane-mail shirtcelestial au juscelestial carrot juicecelestial olive oil
celestial squid inkclingfilm capclingfilm slippersclingfilm tangleclingfilm trouserscrystal skeleton vodka
double-ice boxdouble-ice britchesdouble-ice capduct tape bucklerduct tape dockersduct tape fedora
duct tape shirtduct tape swordduct tape walleteldritch concentrateeldritch extracteldritch rub
eldritch tinctureextra-large palm-frond toupeefirefoot-long hot daubgauze hammockgauze shorts
honey dipperhoney meadhoneybritcheshoneycaphoneypothot daub bun
hot daub standjar of oillarge pile of sand (grains)large pile of sand (piles)large pile of sand (small piles)Lazybones™ recliner
lemon drop trouserslemon party hatlemon shirtmummy maskoil capoil lamp
oil panoil slacksoily boidpalm-frond caprispalm-frond cloakpalm-frond fan
palm-frond netpalm-frond whippaperclip capepaperclip pantspaperclip sproingerpaperclip turban
paperclip-on tiepapier-mâché basepapier-mâché bowlpapier-mâché handlepapier-mâché plaquepapier-mâché toothpicks
papier-mâchétepapier-mâchaerantherapapier-mâchine gunpapier-mâchuridarspapier-masquepapier-mitre
papier-mochipeppermint crookpeppermint pattypeppermint rhino babypeppermint twistpile of sand (grains)
pile of sand (small piles)plaid bandageplaid pocket squareplaid skirtpottery clubpottery hat
pottery shieldpottery training pantspottery yo-yoreally thick bandageshaking skullskeletal scabbard
skeletal skiffskeleton quicheskeleton skissmall pile of sandSMOOCH bracersSMOOCH breastplate
SMOOCH codpieceSMOOCH kneepadsSMOOCH spaulderssmooth velvet brasmooth velvet hankysmooth velvet hat
smooth velvet pantssmooth velvet pocket squaresmooth velvet shirtsmooth velvet sockssnailmail breechessnailmail coif
snailmail hauberksnakeskin cowboy hatsnakeskin jacketsnakeskin thighbootsspace barspace heater
space invaderspace needlesugar bunnysugar fairysweet toothtin cup
tin drumtin foiltin lizzietin roof (rusted)tin snipstin tam
turtlemail breechesturtlemail coifturtlemail hauberkwax hatwax pantswild honey pie
wumpus-hair bolowumpus-hair loinclothwumpus-hair netwumpus-hair sweaterwumpus-hair whipwumpus-hair wig


[back to top]


[back to top]

You have consumed 410 of these items and have not yet tried 564.

"caramel" orange"meat" stick20-lb can of rice and beans3vi1 pr0n m4nic0ttia dance upon the palateabominable snowcone
acceptable bagelacceptable mayolusaccidental muttonactual blood sausageactual tapasAffirmation Cookie
agnolotti arboliAldebaran sardinesalien meatalien sandwichamok puddingancient frozen dinner
ancient unspeakable fruitcakeangel-food cakeangst burgeranimal part crackerantique packet of ketchupAs Jus Gezund Heit
asparagus lo meinasparagus stir-fryastral hot dogautumn-spice donutbätzlebabycakes
bacteria bisquebadass piebag of GORFbag of GORPbag of QWOPBaja sopapilla
baked stuffingbaked veggie ricotta casserolebalaclava baklavaballroom blintzbananabanana cream pie
banana milkshakebanana splitbanana-frosted king cakebar of freeze-dried waterbarrel crackerbarrel pickle
Bash-Ōs cerealbasic hot dogbat haggisbat wing kabobbat wing stir-frybat-shaped Crimboween cookie
bean burritobear clawbeautiful soupBeefy Crunch Pastacobeefy fish meatbeefy maki
beefy nigiribeer basted bratbell-shaped Crimbo cookiebento boxberries of sufferingBetter Than Cuddling Cake
birthday party jellybean cheesecakebishop cookieBlack Angus blackburgerblack forest cakeblack forest hamblack pudding
blackberryblob-shaped Crimbo cookieblood roll-upblood sausageblood snowconeblood-soaked sponge cake
bloodstickblue velvet cakeblueberry muffinblueberry-frosted king cakeblunt cat clawbone broth
bone mealboring spaghettiBoris's breadBoris's key lime pieboss brainBouillabaise Coucher Avec Moi
bowl full of jellybowl of Bounty-Osbowl of cottage cheesebowl of eyeballsbowl of fishysoissebowl of lucky charms
bowl of maggotsbowl of mernudobowl of mummy gutsbowl of oriole's nest soupbowl of prescription candybowl of rye sprouts
bowl of Tastee-Wheet™bowl of topiocabowl of unidentifiable gooBrain Food Pastacobrain-meltingly-hot chicken wingsbrains casserole
bran muffinbread linebread manbread piebread rollbreakfast mess
breakfast miracleBrimstone Chicken Sandwichbrown sugar canebrowser cookieBrussels Sprout Stir-Frybuñuelos Jaliscos
bucket of honeybunch of square grapesC.H.U.M. chumcactus fruitCalzone of Legendcampfire baked potato
campfire beanscampfire coffeecampfire hot dogcampfire s'morecampfire stewcan of Adultwitch™
can of franks 'n' beanscan of sardinescan-shaped gelatinous cranberry saucecandied limecandied pecancandied sweet potatoes
candied yamscandy canecandy cane pizzacandy cane surprisecandy carrotcandy carrot cake
candy kneecapping stickcandy mountain oystercandy stakecarob browniescarob chunk cookiescarob chunk noodles
carob chunkscarrot cakecarrot cake precipice barCarrot, Cabbage, and Kale Pizzacarton of snake milkcatgut taco
catsupcaviar carbonaracentipede eggschaos popcorncheezburgercherry
cherry pieChildren's Meal of the Damnedchilly dogChoco-Mint pattychocolate "Phoenix"chocolate chip muffin
chocolate Ogre Chieftainchocolate Spider Queenchocolate-covered scarab beetlechocolate-frosted king cakechocomotivechorizo brownies
chorizo tacociliophora chowdercinnamon cannoliCinnamon Nutrition Blockcircular CRIMBCOOKIEclub sandwich
cob of corncocktail onioncocoa eggshell fragmentcold hi meincold mashed potatoescongratulatory cake
consummate baconconsummate bagelconsummate baked potatoconsummate brownieconsummate cheese sliceconsummate cold cuts
consummate corn chipsconsummate egg saladconsummate frankfurterconsummate french friesconsummate fried eggconsummate hard-boiled egg
consummate hot dog bunconsummate ice creamconsummate meatloafconsummate melted cheeseconsummate saladconsummate salsa
consummate sauerkrautconsummate sliced breadconsummate sorbetconsummate soupconsummate sour creamconsummate steak
consummate strawberriesconsummate toastconsummate whipped creamcookie cookieCool Brunch Pastacocool cat claw
cool jelly donutcool mint precipice barcool mushroomcool mushroom casserolecorned beetcorned-beef Reuben
crabsiclecranberriescranberry cylindercrappy brainCrazy Dragon Shogun Buddha Rollcrazy little Turkish delight
cream of chloroplastscream of pointy mushroom soupcreamsicleCrepes a la LuneCRIMBCO Deluxe Reconstituted Gruel with Simulated RaisinsCRIMBCO Reconstituted Gruel
CRIMBCOIDS mintsCRIMBCOLOAFCrimbo dinnerCrimbo food scrapsCrimbo pieCrimbo salad
Crimboysters Rockefellercrudlescup of lukewarm teacupcake-in-a-cupcursed black pearl onioncursed sea biscuit
custard pieD rolldead lights piedead meat bundecent brainDeep Dish of Legend
dehydrated caviardelicious noodlesdelicious saladdelicious spicy noodlesdelicious star saladdelicious swamp muck
deluxe layer cakedenastified haunchdesiccated apricotdevil dogdevil hair pastadevil's-food cake
deviled eggdiabolic pizzadigital key lime piedinner rollDinsey food-conedire fudgesicle
Disc-Shaped Nutrition Unitdisco biscuitDouble Bacon Beelzeburgerdragon snapsDreadsylvanian cold pocketDreadsylvanian hot pocket
Dreadsylvanian shepherd's pieDreadsylvanian sleaze pocketDreadsylvanian spooky pocketDreadsylvanian stewDreadsylvanian stink pocketdrippy caviar
drippy nuggetdrippy plum (?)drive-thru burgerdruidic s'moredwarf breadeagle's milk
edible alien plant biteggwatereldritch mushroomeldritch mushroom pizzaEldritch snapelectric Kool-Aid
elf army field rationselfin shortbreadelven limbos gingerbreadelven hardtackenchanted bean burritoEnergy Buzz Pastaco
ent ciderenticing mayolusescargotsicleEvery Day is Like This Sundaeevil boring spaghettievil delicious noodles
evil delicious spicy noodlesevil painful penne pastaevil ravioli della hippyevil spicy noodlesexotic jungle fruitexpired can of franks 'n' beans
expired MREextra-flat paniniextra-greasy sliderextra-toasted half sandwichfancy beef jerkyfancy canapés
FantasyRealm turkey legFDKOL hotcakesfestive sausageFettrisFettucini épines InconnuFettucini Inconnu
fiery wingfilet of The Fishfine aged cheddarwurstfire crackersfire-roasted lake troutfireman's lunch
fishcakefishy fishfishy fish casserolefishy fish lasagnaflaming mushroomflan del mar
flavorless gruelfleetwood mac 'n' cheeseflour cookieflower petal piefoie grasforbidden danish
forbidden sausagefortune cookiefrat bratsfreightcakefricasseed brainsfrozen banquet
frozen danishfrozen mushroomfrozen tofu popfruit-stuffed rumcakefruitcakefudge bunny
fudgesiclefusilli marrownarrowfusillocybingallon of milkGenalen™ Bottleghost cucumber
ghost dogghost pepperghostly ectoplasmghuol eggghuol egg quicheghuol guolash
ghuol-ear kabobgiant grain of protein powdergiant green gummi beargiant heirloom grape tomatogiant marshmallowgiant red gummi bear
giant yellow gummi bearGingerborg Hivegingerbread bugbeargingerbread horrorgingerbread massacregingerbread mug
gingerbread mutant bugbearGingerbread Nutrition Blockgingerbread nylonsgingerbread pirategingerbread robotgingerbread stir-fry
glass of baboon milkglass of goat's milkglass of raw eggsglistening fish meatglistening makiglistening nigiri
glob of cream cheesegloomy black mushroomglowing fungusgnat lasagnagnatloafgnatloaf casserole
Gnocchetti di Nietzschegoat cheesegoat cheese pizzagoat cheese tacogood braingood guava
gooey lava globsgovernment cheesegr8psgrapefruitgrapesgreen and red bean
green bean casserolegreen drunki-beargreen hamhockgreen-iced sweet rollgrilled cheese sandwichgrilled mooseflank
Grimdrop Chow MeinGrimgerbread Housegrog nutsgrue egg omeletteguffinguilty sprout
gumdrop chow meingunky chickengunpowder burritohaggis-wrapped haggis-stuffed haggishalf double fruitcakeHalibut Alfredo
ham steakhambrosierhamburgerhamlet sandwichhand-crafted candy canehandful of nuts and berries
handful of walnutsHappy Birthday, Claude! cakehardboiled egghaunted cherry piehaunted Hell ramenhaunted orange
haunted pizzaheart-Shaped candy whetstoneHell brothHell ramenherb browniesherbal stuffing
hibiscus petalHide-rox™ cookiehigh-calorie sugar substitutehippy herbal teaholiday cheese loghoney bun of Boris
honey-dewhoney-drenched ham slicehot buttered rollhot datehot hi meinhot wing
huge Crimbo cookiehumble pieHumpty Dumplingshunter brainhushed puppyice cream sandwich
ice harvestice riceiceberg lettuceidiot brainigloo pieimitation White Russian
immaculate egg salad sandwichimmaculate grilled cheeseimmaculate hot dogimmaculate ice cream sandwichincredible pizzainitiative shawarma
insanely spicy bean burritoinsanely spicy enchanted bean burritoinsanely spicy jumping bean burritoirradiated candy caneIt Came From Beyond DessertJarlsberg's key lime pie
Jarlsberg's vegetable soupjava cookiejawbruiserjerky coinsjive turkey legjumbo Dr. Lucifer
jumbo olivejumping bean burritojumping bean tacojumping horseradishjungle floor waxjuniper berries
junk foodjunkyard dogkarma shawarmaketchupking cookiekiwi
knight cookieKnob jelly donutknob ka-bobsKnob lo meinKnob mushroomKnob nuts
Knob pastyKnob sausageKnob sausage stir-fryKnob shroomkabobKnob stir-fryKnob stroganoff
Knob stuffed shellsKnoll lo meinKnoll mushroomKnoll shroomkabobKnoll stir-fryknuckle sandwich
Kudzu saladkumquatlab-grown meatlarge cocoa eggshell fragmentlaser-broiled pearlava cake
leafy brownsleftover canapésleftover pastyleftoversleftovers sandwichlemon
lemon meringue pielemon popsiclelibertagliatellelicorice garrotelihc eye pielime
limp broccolilinguini immondizia biancolinguini of the sealiquid breadliver and let pieliver popsicle
Loaded Baked Potatoloaf of alien breadloaf of soda breadLobster qua Grilllong pork casserolelong pork chop sandwiches
long pork lasagnaLord of the Flies-sized friesLucky Surprise EggLudovico Pastacomagical baguettemagical sausage
mana curdsmana-basted tofurkey legmana-coated yamsmana-fortified cranberry saucemana-stuffed herbal stuffingManetwich
maple syrupmashed potatoesmayam spinachmeatballMedical Pastacomenudo
menudo raviolimeteoreomime army rationsmince piemind flayer corpsemineapple
mini kiwimini kiwi digitized cookiesMiserable Piemixed wildflower greensmole moléMoon Pie
moose chocolatemoosemeat pieMornington crescent rollmouth-watering mayolusMr. BurnsgerMt. McLargeHuge oyster
muffled muffulettamugcakemulberrymushroom filetmushroom pizzanachos of the night
nailswurstnanite-infested candy canenanite-infested fruitcakenanite-infested gingerbread bugbearnatto pockynega-mushroom
neutron lollipopNew and Improved CRIMBCO Reconstituted Gruelnut-shaped Crimbo cookienutty organic saladoccult jelly donutoily golden mushroom
ojo de pez burritoold chumoldcakeoliveolive lo meinolive stir-fry
Omega Sundaeone with everythingoptimal dogorangeorange popsicleovercookie
P.B.L.T.packet of beer nutspacket of tofurkey gravypainful penne pastapapayapapaya taco
party platter for onepat of butterpawn cookiePB&BPPB&J with the crusts cut offpeach
peach piepearpear tartpecan piepeche a la frogpenguin focaccia bread
peppermint donutPeppermint Nutrition Blockpeppermint pattypeppermint tackperfect breakfastperfect chef salad
perfect sandwichpersonalized birthday cakepestopiaryPete's rich ricottaPete's wiley whey barpetit 4.1
petit fortranphilosopher's sconephish stickpickled breadpickled eggpie man was not meant to eat
piece of wedding cakepigeon eggpineapple slabpink slimepiping organ piepixel banana
pixel breadpixel lemonPizza of Legendplain bagelplain calzoneplain candy cane
plain pizzaplain snowconeplate of Frigid Northern Beansplate of Heimz Fortified Kidney Beansplate of Hellfire Spicy Beansplate of Mixed Garbanzos and Chickpeas
plate of Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Pork 'n' Beansplate of Shrub's Premium Baked Beansplate of Tesla's Electroplated Beansplate of Trader Olaf's Exotic Stinkbeansplate of Val-U Brand Every Bean Saladplate of World's Blackest-Eyed Peas
plumplumber's lunchpointy mushroompoisonous caviarpopcornpopular tart
poutinepowdered donutpr0n cocktailpr0n m4nic0ttipr0n stir-frypr0n taco
prescription noodlesprimitive alien saladprimitive candy caneprotein pastepumpkin piepurple pixel pie
queen cookiequestionable tacorack of dinosaur ribsradio button candyRainbow Spider Fun Rollraisin
raspberryrat appendix kabobrat appendix stir-fryrat scrappleratatouille de Jarlsbergratini
ravioli della hippyraw breadraw cranberry sauceraw gravyraw green beansraw mincemeat
raw potatoraw stuffingraw sweet potatoraw turkeyred drunki-bearRed Herring Velvet Cake
red velvet cakeRetenez L'Herbe Patéridiculous sandwichroasted duckroasted marshmallowroasted vegetable focaccia
roasted vegetable of Jarlsbergrobin flanrocky road ice creamrook cookieroot beerrotting beefsteak
royal jellyroyal jelly tacorum-soaked fruitcakes'moreS.T.L.T.salacious crumbs
salt plumsalted muttonsandwich of the godssausage pizzasausage without a causesausage wonton
savage macho dogsavoy trufflesea avocadosea blueberrysea broccolisea carrot
sea cauliflowersea cucumbersea honeydewsea lycheesea persimmonsea radish
sea tangelosea truffleseared dino steakshadow breadshadow hot dogshadow sausage
shadowy cat clawsheet cakeshells a la shellfishshoo-fish pieshoots and leavesshrapnel jelly donut
shushed potatoessingle-serving herbal stuffingsix tiny wedges of goat cheeseskeleton quicheskewered cat appendixskull-shaped Crimboween cookie
Skully's hot chocolatesleazy hi meinsleeping dogslice of pizzaslick fish meatslick maki
slick nigirislimy sweetbreadssly dogsmashed danishsmelted roeSMOOCH soda
Sneaky Pete's key lime piesnow berriessnow crabSogg-Ossoylent red and greenspace chowder
space jam toastspagecialettispaghetti breakfastspaghetti con calaverasspaghetti with ghost ballsSpaghetti with Moonballs
Spaghetti with SkullheadsSpam Witch sammichspectral picklespicy bean burritospicy enchanted bean burritospicy jumping bean burrito
spicy mushroom quesadillaspicy noodlesspiritual candy canespiritual fruitcakespiritual gingerbreadsponge cake
spooky hi meinspooky lo meinspooky mushroomspooky shroomkabobspooky stir-frySpooky Surprise Egg
square CRIMBCOOKIEsquirmy violent party snackSt. Pete's sneaky smoothiestale baguettestale Cheer-E-Osstalk of asparagus
standard-issue cupcakestar key lime piestar popsteamed oystersteel lasagnastinky hi mein
stinky mushroomstolen sushistomach turnoverstrawberrystrawberry piestrawberry popsicle
Strix stixstuffed red and green pepper (stale)stuffed spooky mushroomstunt nutssublime deluxe hot dogsublime nachos
sublime stewsucculent marrowsugarplum rationsuggestive strozzapretisun-dried tofusundae ration
super good fruitsuper ka-bobsuper saladswamp haunchswedish massage fishsweet party mix
sweet roll Alabamat8r totsTaco Dan's Basic Taco Dan TacoTaco Dan's Taco Fish Fish TacoTaco Dan's Taco Stand Tacotainted milk
tangerinetasty tarttea for oneTea, Earl Grey, Hottemperance whiskeytempura avocado
tempura broccolitempura carrottempura cauliflowertempura cucumbertempura green and red beantempura radish
thanksgiving turkeyThe Plumber's mushroom stewThey liver popsicleThis Charming Flanthree-tiered wedding cakethrobbing organ pie
thyme jelly donutTiger-lily's milktin cup of mulligan stewtin of submardinestin rationstiny frozen prehistoric meteorite jawbreaker
toasttoast with cold jellytoast with hot jellytoast with jamtoast with sleaze jellytoast with spooky jelly
toast with stench jellytoasted brietobiko pockytoe jam toasttofu casseroletofu stir-fry
tofu tacotofu wontontofurkey gravytofurkey legtofurkey nuggettomato
tombstone-shaped Crimboween cookietoxotraditional Crimbo cookietraffic jam toasttransparent nogtree-shaped Crimbo cookie
triangular CRIMBCOOKIETrollhouse cookiestube of cranberry Go-Gooturkish mostaccioliTurnip and Rutabaga Pieturtle soup
twigs and gravelUltimate Breakfast Sandwichultra-deluxe cupcakeultrafondueunappetizing mayolusuncooked chorizo
unfinished fruitcakeunfortunate dumplingsunidentifiable dried fruitunidentified jerkyuninteresting mayolusUr-Donut
urinal cakeValentine's Day cakevampire cakevampire chowdervanilla-frosted king cakeVegas Volcano Lava Roll
very hot lunchvideo games hot dogvinegar-soaked lemon slicevoid burgerVYKEA meatballswaffle
walrus ice creamwarbear feasting breadwarbear gyrowarbear thermoregulator breadwarbear warrior breadwarm gravy
warm mushroomwarm war shawarmawasabi pockywater logwatermelonwax pancake
wedge of gray cheeseweird gazelle steakwet dogwet stewwet tackwhalecake
whalesteakwheel of camembertwhite chocolate and tomato pizzawhite chocolate chip brownieswhite chocolate chip cookieswhite chocolate chips
White Citadel burgerWhite Citadel frieswhite ricewhole roasted chickenwhole turkey legwild honey pie
witch's breadwreath-shaped Crimbo cookieXiblaxian ultraburritoyamyam and swissyam burrito
yam candyyam mayoyam sliderYeg's Motel pillow mintyellow drunki-bearyellow matter custard
yule gruel[experimental crimbo food]


[back to top]

You have consumed 384 of these items and have not yet tried 369.

1950 Vampire Vintner wine5-hour acrimonyA little sump'm sump'macceptable vodkaAccidental ciderAcqua Del Piatto Merlot
Acque Luride Grezze Cabernetadequate rumAfternoon DelightAgitated TurkeyAlewife™ AleAmbitious Turkey
Amnesiac AleAn evil little sump'm sump'mAntarctic Ice Teaantique beerAround the worldartisanal limoncello
asbestos thermosastral pilsnerAura LibreAutumnFest aleAye AyeAye Aye, Captain
Aye Aye, Tooth Toothbackwoods screwdriverbad rum and good colaBanana daiquiribark rootbeerbarrel-aged eggnog
barrel-aged martiniBartles and BRAAAINS wine coolerBarulio's bottlebasic martinibeaver punch (cherry)beaver punch (papaya)
beaver punch (peach)beavermouthBee's KneesBeertinibeery bloodBeignet Milgranet
Berry-infused sakeBilge wineBlack & tanBlack and Tan and Red All Overblack brandyBlack Hole
Blackfly ChardonnayBlended frozen swillblended frozen swill with a fly in itblood and bloodBlood Lightblood-red mushroom wine
Bloody beerbloody kiwitiniBloody maryBloody NoraBodyslamBoilermaker
Bologna Lambicbone aperitifBone's Farm "wine"boot flaskbooze-soaked cherryBordeaux Marteaux
Boris's beerbottle of Amontilladobottle of Bloodweiserbottle of Cabernet SauvignonBottle of Calcutta Emeraldbottle of Chateau de Vinegar
Bottle of cooking sherrybottle of Crimbognacbottle of dark rhumBottle of DefinitBottle of Domesticated Turkeybottle of drinkin' gas
bottle of Evermorebottle of extra-dark rhumbottle of Fishhead 900-Day IPAbottle of fruity "wine"Bottle of ginbottle of Greedy Dog
Bottle of Jorge Sinsontebottle of Lambada Lambicbottle of laundry sherryBottle of Lieutenant Freemanbottle of norwhiskeybottle of Old Pugilist
Bottle of Ooze-OBottle of peppermint schnappsBottle of Pete's SakeBottle of Pinot RenoirBottle of popskullbottle of Professor Beer
bottle of Race Car Redbottle of Rapier WitbierBottle of realpagneBottle of rumBottle of sakebottle of Sanguiovese
bottle of sea wineBottle of sewage schnappsBottle of single-barrel whiskeybottle of super-extra-dark rhumBottle of tequilaBottle of vodka
Bottle of whiskeybottle of wineBoulevardier cocktailBowl of ScorpionsBoxed champagneBoxed wine
Braincracker sweetbreaded beerBreakfast Blast wine coolerbroberry brogurtbrocolate brogurtbucket of wine
Bungle in the jungleBustle HustlerButtery BoyButtery Knobbuzzing mushroom winecabooze
CaipifrutaCaipiranhaCalle de mielcalle de miel with a fly in itcan of Brütalbräucan of Drooling Monk
can of Impetuous ScofflawCan of Swillercan of the cheapest beerCandicaineCandy AlexanderCandycaine
canteen of eggnogCanteen of winecarrot claretCement MixerCentauri fish wineChakra Libre
chakra-mental wineChampagne ShimmyCharleston Choo-Choocheap Chinese beerCherry bombCherrytastrophe wine cooler
chocotiniChunky MaryChurchillCinco Mayo LagerCitrus Crush wine coolerCitrus-infused sake
clear RussianCobb's Knob WurstbrauCobra BowlCold OneColera Peste Nebbiolocomplex mushroom wine
Cool mushroom wineCorpse Island iced teaCorpse on the beachCorpsebiteCorpsedriverCorpsetini
cranberry margarita (brackish)cranberry schnappsCrazymakerCream stoutCRIMBCO Egg Substitute Nog SubstituteCRIMBCO Extreme Braincracker Sour
CRIMBCO Ribbon Candy SchnappsCRIMBCO wineCrimbo SaketiniCrimbojitoCrimboku DropCrimbosmopolitan
Crimbow RainboCrimbuccaneer mologrog cocktailCruelty-free winecrystal skeleton vodkaCSA cheerfulness rationCSA scoutmaster's "water"
cup of "tea"Cup of primitive beerCursed bottle of black-label rumCursed bottle of rumCursed PunchCyder
Dad's brandyDark & StarryDas Sauerlagerday-old beerDecanter of fine ScotchDesert Island Iced Tea
Dew yoana leiDew yoana salacious leiDinsey Whinskeydirt julepDirty martiniDisappointed Russian
discocktailDistilled fortified wineDivineDoc Clock's thyme cocktailDoc's Fortifying WineDoc's Limbering Wine
Doc's Medical-Grade WineDoc's Smartifying WineDoc's Special Reserve Winedouble entendreDoublepunchplanterDrac & Tan
Dreadsylvanian cold-fashionedDreadsylvanian dank and stormyDreadsylvanian grimletDreadsylvanian hot toddyDreadsylvanian slithery nippledream of a dog
dregs of a Crimbo cocktaildrippy pilsnerdrive-by shootingDrunken AstrophysicistDrunken NeurologistDrunken Philosopher
Dry martiniDry vodka martiniDucha de oroDUFRESNE SudsDump Truckdusty bottle of blood
Dusty bottle of MarsalaDusty bottle of MerlotDusty bottle of MuscatDusty bottle of Pinot NoirDusty bottle of PortDusty bottle of Zinfandel
Earth and FirewaterEarth, Wind and FirewaterEcto-CoolerEcto-nogEggnogEggnogtini
eighth plagueeldritch distillateeldritch elixireldritch extractElectric Punchelectric snakebite
elemental caipiroskaElven cellocelloElven moonshineelven squeezeemergency margaritaEn Una Fila Tequila
Especially salty dogEvent HorizonEvil ducha de oroEvil horizontal tangoEvil roll in the hayexecutive mime flask
expensive champagneExpired bottle of peppermint schnappsExtra-slimy SlimosaExtra-spicy bloody maryextremely slippery nippleEye and a Twist
Falcon™ Maltese LiquorFantasma en la MáquinaFantasyRealm meadFauna LibreFeliz NavidadFerita Del Petto Zinfandel
Fermented honeyFine winefiremilkFirewaterfisheladaFlamin' Whatshisname
Flaming CaipiranhaFlaming Crimbo LogFlaming KnobFlaming MohoboFlaming mushroom wineFlaming Sazerorc
Flask of Amontilladoflask of egggrogflask of moonshineflask of portflat ciderFlat mushroom wine
FlivverFlute of flat champagneFlying CaipiranhaFog MurdererFortified Eggnog Slurryfountain 'soda'
French bronilla brogurtFriendly TurkeyFromage PinotageFruity girl swillFuzzbumpFuzzy Tentacle
gamma nogGets-You-DrunkGhiaccio Coladaghost beerGiant glass of brandyGibson
GimletGingin and gingerGin and HerringGin and tonicGin Mint
gin-soaked blotter paperginger beergingerbread wineglass of "milk"glass of bourbonglass of drippy wine
glass of herbal tequilaGloomy mushroom wineGnollish sangriaGnomish sagngriaGo-WassailGold Velvet™ whiskey
Golden MeanGordon BennettGrasshopperGratitude chocolate (bourbon-filled)Great old fashionedGreat Older Fashioned
Green beerGreen Burlapgreen eggnogGreen GiantGreen ManalishiGreen Muslin
Green VelvetGrimaciderGrimacite BockGrogGrogtinigunner's daughter
hacked gibsonhaunted bottle of vodkahaunted eggnoghaunted gimlethaunted martiniHaymaker
hell in a bucketHerring DaiquiriHerring WallbangerHerringcelloHerringtiniHi-Octane Peppermint Jet Fuel
high-end ginger wineHighest Bitterhipster cocktailHodgman's blankethoney meadHorizontal tango
Horseradish-infused VodkaHot Buttered RumHot choculatehot mint schnocolateHot SocksHot toady
hot watered rumhot wineHumanitiniHundred Headed IPAIce Island Long Teaice porter
ice wineIce-cold fotieIce-cold Sir SchlitzIce-cold Willericed plum wineIcy mushroom wine
Imp Aleimproved martiniInfinitesimal IPAIrish Coffee, English HeartIsh KabibbleIsland Hurricane
Island LandslideIsland ThunderstormIsotope NogJack-O-Lantern beerJackhammerJamaican coffee
Jar of fermented pickle juiceJar of squeezeJeppson's MalortJerkitinijug of boozeJungle Juice
junk yardKamicorpse-eeKnob mushroom wineKnoll mushroom wineLa Fantasma y La Oscuridadlarge tankard of ale
lavawaterLe Roilegitimate business on the beachLemonade-235literal grasshopperLocust
Lollipop DropLondon froglow tide martiniLucky LindyLumbering jackLumineux Limnio
Lychee chuhaiMad Train wineMae WestMae West with a fly in itmagnum of fancy champagneMaiali Sifilitici Pinot Noir
Mandarina coladamandarina colada with a fly in itMargaritaMarltinimarshmallow bombmarshmallow flambé
MartinimartinyMcLeod's Hard Haggis-AdeMcMillicancuddy's Special Lagermeadeoritemediocre lager
Melon-infused sakeMelted Jell-o shotmentholated winemid-level medieval meadMiddle of the Road™ brand whiskeymime army wine
Mimosettemini kiwi intoxicating spiritsmini kiwitinimini-martiniMint YulepMiss Graves' Vermouth
missing wineMohoboMon TikiMonkey wrenchmoonberry wine coolerMoons-shine
Moonshine MohoboMoonthril SchnappsMore Humanitini than HumanitinimoreltiniMorlock's Mark Bourbonmorning dew
Morto Moretomostly-empty bottle of cookie winemourning wineMt. Noob Pale Alemulled berry winemulled blood
Mulled cidermulled hobo winemulled wineMurderer's PunchMuschatmushroom whiskey
Mutagin 'n' TonicMysterious Island iced teaMysterious StrangerNachojitoNanite-infested eggnognatto-infused sake
neg grognega-mushroom wineNeuromancerNew Zealand iced teaNewarknice warm beer
Nog-on-the-Cobnon-aged vinegarnothingtiniOcean motionofficer's nogOh, the Humanitini
Oil NogOily mushroom wineOld-fashionedold-school pirate grogOopsie IPAOozenog
open sauceOrangemageddon wine coolerOreille Divisée brandyOver Easy Rideroverpowering mushroom wineoverpriced "imported" beer
Paint A Vulgar Pitcherpainting of a glass of winePan-Dimensional Gargle BlasterPapaya slingPapaya slungParisian cathouse
party beer bombpassable stoutPebblebräuperfect cosmopolitanperfect dark and stormyperfect mimosa
perfect negroniperfect old-fashionedperfect palomaPerpendicular hulaperpendicular hula with a fly in itPetite Porter
Phil CollinsPhlegethonPhonus BalonusPink ponypiscatinipixel beer
pixel daiquiripixel whiskeyPlague of Locustsplain old beerplastic cup of beerPlum wine
Pointy mushroom winepremium malt liquorprimitive alien boozePrussian cathouseprussian cathouse with a fly in itPsychotic Train wine
pumpkin beerpunch-drunk punchPunchplanterPurple corpselQuaatorade™R'lyeh
Rabbit punchRacisto RuidosoRadberry Rip wine coolerRalph IX cognacRam's Face Lagerred ale
red and white claretRed Dwarfred red winered rumRed Russianred white and blue claret
Red-headed corpsered-hot boilermakerRedrumregular-size brogurtreverse Tantalusridiculous cocktail
robin nogrocket fuelRockin' wagonrockin' wagon with a fly in itrodeo whiskeyRoll in the hay
Rompedores de FantasmasRum and colarunny fermented eggRussian IceSacramento wineSaison du Lune
Salacious lychee chuhaiSalacious screwdiverSalinated mint julepsalt plum sakeSalty dogSalty slug
SangriaSangria de MentheSangria del diabloSazerorcSazuruk-haiScorpion Bowl
scotch on the rocksScrawny StoutScrewdiverScrewdriverSexy Cosmoshadow fluid
shadow martinishadow venomSham champagneshining gobletShot of blackberry schnappsShot of flower schnapps
Shot of grapefruit schnappsShot of Kardashian Ginshot of mescalShot of nepenthe schnappsShot of orange schnappsShot of peach schnapps
Shot of pear schnappsShot of rotgutShot of the Living DeadShot of tomato schnappsshot of wasp venomshroomtini
Siberian sunriseSilver Bullet beerSimepore slimesingle entendresingle swig of vodkaSizzling Sinner
Skull Punchslap and slap againSlap and tickleslap and tickle with a fly in itSlimebiteSlimosa
Slimy fermented bile bladderSlip 'n' slideSlippery KnobSloe Comfortable ZooSloe Comfortable Zoo on FireSloppy Jalopy
Slug of rumSlug of shochuSlug of vodkasmooth mushroom wineSmuggler's Punchsnakebite
Snifter of thoroughly aged brandySockdollagersoft green echo eyedrop antidote martinisoilzeracSourfingerSouthern yam
soy cordialsoyburger juicespace portspace wineSpasmi Dolorosi Del Rene ChampagneSpiced rum
Spicy Hot Chocolatespiritual eggnogsplendid martiniSpooky eggnogSpooky mushroom winestale cheer wine
stealth bomberSteamboatSteel margaritastepmom's boozestinkwaterStinky mushroom wine
Strawberry daiquiriStrawberry wineStrikes Again BigmouthStrong, Silent TypeSuffering Sinnersuper-size brogurt
Supernova ChampagneSuppurating SinnerSwedish coffeesweet potato o' minesweet potato punchswirling mushroom wine
Taco Dan's Taco Stand ChimichangaritaTangaritatangarita with a fly in ittankard of aleTemps TempranilloTeqiwila
Teqiwila slammerTequila sunriseTequila sunsetTequila with training wheelsTequiz NavidadThe Cooler Out of Space
The Mad LiquorThermos full of Knob coffeethermos of "whiskey"Third BaseThistle wineThriller Ice
tobiko-infused sakeTomato daiquiriTransylvania SlingTRIO cup of beerTropical swillTurtle Bowl
twice-haunted screwdrivertwo meat muckTypical Tavern swillunflavored wine coolerunidentified drinkunnamed cocktail
unquiet spiritsUovo Marcio Shirazused beervampagneVelvet Veilvery fancy whiskey
Vespervintage smart drinkVodka and cranberryVodka and tonicvodka barracudaVodka Dog
Vodka gibsonVodka martiniVodka Matryoshkavodka stingerVodka stratocastervoid lager
VYKEA meadwarbear bearserker meadwarbear blizzard meadwarbear feasting meadwasabi-infused sakeWater purification pills
wax boozeWet RussianWhiskey and colaWhiskey and sodaWhiskey bittersweetwhiskey in a broken glass
Whiskey sourwhiskey squeezeWhite Canadianwhite DreadsylvanianWhite HyborianWhite lightning
white wineWhite XanadianWhite-label ginWine spritzerworld's most unappetizing beverageWrecked Generator
Xiblaxian space-whiskeyyam martiniYe Olde MeadeYellow brick roadyule grogZmobie
zombieZoodriver[experimental crimbo booze]

Various Accomplishments

[back to top]


You have a Telescope in your Campground, and it's level 7!

Monster Manuel

You have casually researched 90 creatures.
You have thoroughly researched 58 creatures.
You have exhaustively researched 1434 creatures.

Demon Names

1) PiesTy'Zegore
2) Preternatural Greed
Spooky Forest
3) Fit To Be Tide
Sonofa Beach
4) Big Flaming Whip
Friar's Gate
5) Demonic Taint
Haunted Bathroom
Foobob Beelfoo
6) Ragamuffin ImpTatter
7) DrinksAk'gyxoth
8) Existential Torment
Nemesis Lair
9) Burning, Man
Sinister Ancient Tablet
10) The Pleasures of the Flesh
Strange Cube
11) Friend of Gary
The Cola Wars Battlefield
12) Neil the Sofa Sloth

Collector's Score: 479 (Tattoo: 197, Trophy: 119, Familiar: 163)